Chapter Sixty Four

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This is unedited I wrote it and just uploaded it right away sorry kitty girls
Ana's Point of View:

Kate and I sit in the Escala apartment, her sitting be the window with a makeup artist and her hair already done. Grace, Gail and her mother, Kristie. Kate's high school friend Spencer and Mia are in the main bathroom fixing there hair. Kate has been surprisingly calm today, that being said everything has been going extremely well. The elevator door dings and I get up to see who it is seeing that no one else heard it.

"Good morning Mrs. Grey," Sabatasian the young bell hop says as he walks in carrying a flower arrangement.

"Good morning," I say with a smile walking over to him to grab the bouquet

"These were dropped off for you," He says with a smile.

"Thank you," I tell him. He gives me a smile before getting into the elevator. I turn around bringing the flowers into the main room grabbing the envelope off the bouquet. The little envelope had my name on it, I peak up to see Kate was preoccupied with getting her hair done so I quickly open the envelope.

Mrs. Grey,

Can't wait to see you tonight x.

I smile reading over Christians note as I slide it into the pocket of my sweater. I move over to sit down on the chair across from her where Natalya was sitting, the make up artist she hired. She moved over to go wet her brush.

"Hey beautiful," I say with a smile. Her makeup almost done, her eyes were done along with her eyebrows, but her face was almost done besides some blending and contouring.

"Hey preggers, how are you feeling," She asks me. I rub my stomach where Teddy was kicking.

"Okay," I tell her.

"Any more pain?" She asks me looking at me weirdly. I was getting small stabs of pain my lower abdomen, but I had being writing them off as stress or braxton hicks.

"No, well a little bit. But it's fine," I tell her.

"You should tell Christian," She says. I shake my head looking over to the city view.

"Have you told them about Jose yet?" I ask her. The makeup artist comes back before she can reply but I assume by the lack of response from Kate that it means she hasn't talked to him yet. I get up walking over to Grace and Gail by the island.

"Wheres Kristie?" I ask leaning against the counter my hand on my lower back as pain shots through.

"She went down to the dry cleaners to grab her dress," Grace says grabbing my arm and leading me to sit at the island bar.

"Cutting it a little close don't you think?" I ask. Gail passes me over a sandwich giving me a sweet smile as she does.

"Don't be sour Ana, Christian texted us about eating," Gail says as she takes a sip of her wine. I grab a corner of the sandwich taking a bite.

"How's Kate been?" Grace asks as she passes me a glass of water as well.

"Surprisingly calm," I say turning around to see Kate's makeup being finished. Her hair is braided in an up do to frame her face nicely so she is essentially done now. My hair was already done along with my make up so we were pretty much ready.

"We have a problem," Kristie says as she walks into the room. Kates head snaps over to look at her mother as she walks into the kitchen were we are standing.

"Never mind," I mumble getting up from the stool. Kate is already up rushing over to us her white bridal robe sparkling from the Mid morning Seattle sun.

"Whats going on?" She asks her calm facade gone now.

"They didn't do my dress," She says putting it on the counter with wrinkles on it. Thank god it wasn't dirty.

"I'll iron it and it will be as good as now," Gail says swiping the dress off the counter. "Is that alright?" She asks looking to Kate and Kristie.

"Yes," Kristie says visibly calming down. "That's fine. Sorry for worrying you Kate," She says with a smile. Kate however doesn't calm down and the bridezilla is starting up.

"Why did you wait so long before putting it in the dry cleaners, like mom you new this day was coming how could you be so inconsiderate," Kate snaps. I give a smile to Natalya as she collects her things and leaves the apartment suspecting that Kate was about to blow up.

"Kate its alright just calm down," Grace says offering her a glass of wine to hopefully calm her nerves.

"Calm down! What the hell do you mean calm down! My mothers dress isn't any where near ready, I haven't told Elliot or Christian about my freaking surprise guest and my best friend is practically in labour on the day of my wedding," Kate snaps taking the glass and taking a huge sip before slamming it down so hard I'm surprised that she didn't crack it.

"Who's the special guest?" Grace asks. "And what does she mean your in labour Ana, is there something going on that your not tell me?"

"Jose coming and no I'm not in labour it's just Braxton Hicks or something. I'm fine!" I snap putting the glass in the sink before turning around. "Now you need to go get in your wedding dress because we need to be at the church in about 40 minutes," I tell her. She looks at me for a minute before she turns around and heads to the bedroom. "I assume you want to help her," I say to Kristie. She nods her head scurrying out of the kitchen to follow Kate to the master bedroom. Gail grabs the dress without me having to ask and goes to iron it in her old apartment leaving Grace and I alone.

"Braxton Hicks? Really?" She asks.

"I know this isn't labour Grace, and if it is.. it's just the beginning. I promise if it gets any worse I'll tell you or Christian but I cannot wreck her wedding," I say.

"At what cost are you protecting her. You could be in labour Ana...How far apart are they?" She asks me.

"One every like hour, there not close at all I promise," I reply rubbing my stomach in a soothing action to hopefully calm my self down. "It can't be labour I'm too early."

"3 weeks before your due date isn't early for a baby whose ready to come out," She says taking the wine bottle and putting it in the fridge. "If it gets worst you tell me okay? I won't tell Christian until then."

"Okay thank you," I tell her.

"Now go get changed we have a wedding to go to."

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