Chapter Fifty Eight

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Ana's Point of View:

I roll over in our bed, my arm circle around Christians waist to pull him closer. A smile traces my lips as I plant a kiss on Christians lip. After a few seconds I feel him begin to kiss back and I instantly know I succeed in waking him up. I pull away and rest my nose against his.

"Good morning Gorgeous," Christians murmurs. His voice raspy with sleep. His grey eyes meet mine and my heart melts at his tired eyes.

"It's Christmas," I tell him with a smile. He lets out a chuckle before gently turning us over so that I'm under him.

"It's Christmas," He replies. His lips connecting with me. I rake my hands down his naked my back as he begins to nibble away at my neck. I feel him push his budge into me letting me know that he is as turned on as I am. I let out a deep throated moan when he hits my favourite spot on my neck. His lips find mine again as he gently kisses me. "We need to make this fast," He tells me as he shits to push down his sleeping pants. Before he can actually go anywhere a knock breaks us apart. Christian instantly pulls the covers up to hide my body even though I still have a satin sleeper on.

"What?" Christian grumbles. Pissed off that someone broke us up.

"Get up you lazy shits, you can't make another baby at this point. Plus Mia wants to open gifts," Elliot says through the door.

"Can we have 10 minutes?" Christian asks. I hit his arm gently causing him to let out a small laugh.

"Barley 2, your lucky Ray was going to come and wake you guys up. At least I knocked. Now get up!" He yells hitting the door one last time before we hear him pad away. Christian lets out a groan and flops down on the bed beside me.

"Come on grumpy head, its Christmas," I tell him with a smile. I get out of bed, going over to our suit case to pull out some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I toss Christian a shirt before we both dress and head out of our room. The light streams in through the huge windows and the sound of Christmas music basks the room as a light layer of snow falls outside. The tree along with the decorations was set up last night by all of us. The room is filled with greens, and reds. The fireplace burns in the background and the smell of breakfast invades us. Christian and I walk down the stairs in silence going over to the kitchen where Carrick and Grade are cooking. Well Carrick eating pieces of bacon from the plate beside the stove and Grace shooing him off.

"Morning son, Ana,"Carrick addresses us as soon as we enter the kitchen. We say our good mornings back as I walk into the dining room where my Dad, His girlfriend Charlotte, Mia, Kate and Elliot sit.

"Finally," Elliot says once he sees us walk on. "I was being ganged up on by the females, Ray and I needed backup," He tells me. I shake my head and laugh as I walk to sit beside Ray.

"Merry Christmas Annie," Ray tells me with a smile.

"Merry Christmas dad," I tell him leaning down to hug him. He gives me a kiss on the head before I sit down on the chair beside him. Christian quickly follows suit and sits on the other side.

"Merry Christmas Teddy," He tells my belly which earns him a swift kick to the top of stomach, Teddy's Merry Christmas back. We all eat, the conversation following with a slight bicker from the siblings, the amazing feeling of family is overwhelming. Christians arm is thrown over the back of my chair pulling my closely to his body.

"Lets open gifts!" Mia says clapping her hands.

"For a girl with everything at her fingertips, you do get excited about gifts," Elliot jokes as he walks into the living room with the tree.

"Shut up Elliot, a Christmas gift is different," Mia says as she sits beside the tree on the floor. I assume to hand out gifts. I sit on the love sit next to Christian. Opening presents is chaotic to say the least. There is wrapping paper everywhere, people talking and discussing the things they got. Everyone seemed to like Christian and I's gifts which was a relief. We got a few things for the each of us, Mia and Kate buying me clothing cause apparently I dress boring when I'm pregnant, however, Teddy was completely spoiled and he hasn't even come yet.

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