Chapter Sixty Six

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Christian's Point of View:

I watch as Kate and Elliot rush out of the chapel as everyone claps and is on their feet. I walk over to grab Ana's arm and help her down. We both walk down the aisle together towards the limo waiting outside the chapel. We slide into the limo where Kate and Elliot are making out.

"Ew, cut it out," I tell Elliot kicking him in the leg as I help Ana in the limo.

"Fuck off you were all over Ana when you guys got married," Elliot says planting a kiss on Kates' lips again. Kate pushes him off and goes to pop the champagne as Ethan and Mia slide in. Elliot hits the front of the limo telling the driver to go since the rest of there wedding party was taking another limo and Carrick and Grace were going to go with Kristie and Ryan. The bubbly liquid sprays across the limo almost hitting Mia which earns a huge laugh out of Ana, as well as, Kate.

"That wasn't funny! It took me like 5 hours getting ready," Mia says wiping the side of her face with a tissue that Ethan gave it to her.

"Sorry," Kate says passing her a flute of champagne. Ana continues to giggle beside me but tries her best to hide it in her hand. We all cheers out glasses, Ana cheering an empty one.

"Okay so once we get there were going to take pictures," Kate says continuing to sip on her glass of champagne.

"Of course babe," Elliot says nodding along but not really listening. "Actually I wanted to talk to you about something, why was Jose there with an invitation," Elliot asks leaning forward on his knees. Ana sighs pushing back into the corner seat and putting her feet up across my lap.

"I meant to talk to you about that," Kate says with a sheepish looking smile, her eyes darting over to me for a second because I'm equally as pissed as Elliot.

"Yeah, you meant to," I snap. Ana brings her knee up nudging me in the side. I give her a look before attempting to calm down a bit and leaning back into my seat.

"It's my wedding," Kate says shaking her head.

"It's mine too and you should've asked me about that. You know how much I freaking hate him," Elliot snaps leaning back into his seat and looking over to Kate.

"Okay stop fighting, you're so annoying," Ana says leaning back into the seat more.

"Agreed, you guys can have fighting sex tonight," Mia says which earns a laugh from Ana but no one else is in a funny mood.

"Ew," Ana says between giggles, I pinch Ana's leg to get her to stop giggling and she instantly does.

"Whatever we'll talk about this later," Elliot says when the limo comes to a stop and the door is opened by the driver. We all get out of the limo and I help Ana out of the car.

"We're going to go take girl photos," Kate snaps rushing off to the side where the photographer is. Ana follows suit walking around the building after Kate.

"What's wrong with Kate?" My mom asks coming over to stand with Elliot and I when there care pulled up.

"She's mad about Elliot being mad about Jose," I tell her. She nods her head in understatement.

"Look El, I know this isn't what you want to hear but you need to pick and chose your battles," Grace says. Elliot sighs moving around to walk the same way Kate and the girls did.

"Christina hun I need to talk to you actually," My mom says grabbing my arm and leading me up the steps of the venue of the after party.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"It's about Ana hun," She tells me. I instantly stop walking and turn to her.

"About what?" I ask her worried.

"She's getting contractions- and before you go and freak out it is normal for her to be getting them. It's her body preparing for the birth," She tells me. I nod mine hear I read all about Braxton Hicks online. I just don't understand why she couldn't have told me. "They don't worry me because they've been a good amount apart, but with the stress of Jose and just today in general, I'm worried that it's going to get worst," Grace tells me. I'm about to respond when Ethan peeks his head by the door.

"They need you both for pictures," Ethan says. Grace holds my arm and pulls me towards the park where we are taking the pictures.

"We'll talk more a bit later," She says patting my arm as we walk over.

"Thank god, Christian wheres Ana?" Kate asks walking up to me once we read the garden area.

"She came to see you?" I tell her my eyes snapping up to scan the area.

"She never came to see me I thought she was with you," Kate says.

"Fuck," I snap. I motion over Taylor who quickly rushes over with Sawyer behind him.

"Ana's missing, survey the area and get welch to try to track her phone," I tell him. "Tell him to

look for Cameron too," I tell them

"Christian what the hell is going on?" Kate asks me her eyes snapping to Taylor as he rushes inside.

"I think Cameron took Ana," I tell her my heart beating faster then it ever has.

"Don't jump to conclusions hun, maybe she went to the bathroom," Grace tells me rubbing my arms. Kate shakes her head knowing Ana well enough that she would've told someone.

"No I don't think she did," I say turning around and running into the building well I pull off my tie and unbutton the top couple buttons of my shirt. I check all 6 of the bathrooms in the building, screaming Ana's name as I run down all the halls and check every room. I run out of the front steps out of breath sitting down on the steps with my head in my hands.

"Christian it's okay," Grace tells me kneeling down on the steps inside me. "We'll find her."

"What if it wasn't Braxton Hicks mom, What if she's in trouble?" I ask. Her face pales and she just holds my head in her hands.

"Christian we got something," Taylor says rushing down the stairs.

"What? Where is my Ana?" I ask them standing up, helping Grace as I stand up.

"You were right, Cam has her, and it's not good."

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