Chapter Thirty- Nine

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Ana's Point Of View:

I wake up earlier than normal on my last Thursday before S.I.P becomes Grey Publishing. Christian has been working non stop to get the move ready, and much like every other day this week is already gone by the time I go get Sawyer.

"Of course Mr. Grey," He says into the phone, I stop walking and hide behind the door. "I won't inform Mrs. Grey," He continues. I can't hear Christians end but with the bits of information I'm getting out of Sawyer it's obvious that he is keeping something from me. "I understand sir, yes, I'll make sure she keeps away from the courthouse," He continues on. What is going on at the courthouse?

"Sawyer I'm ready whenever you are!" I yell to him. I hear him quickly bid Christian a goodbye before we both head to the car downstairs. I keep quiet, not wanting to give away my knowledge of the whatever is going on at the courthouse.

"Are you alright Ana?" Sawyer asks as he pulls up to S.I.P.

"Yeah, of course, I'll see you at 12:30," I tell him as I slide out of the door and quickly shut it before he can get another word in. I quietly make my way up to my office and let Hannah know that I won't be taking any meetings today. When I turn my computer on an email awaits from Christian.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Missing you

Date: October 24, 2011, 7:56

To: Anastasia Grey

My Dear Anastasia,

A shame that I wasn't about to wake up with you my dear. I will see you when I get home, I shouldn't be late. I hope to hear good things from Sawyer about your eating, and I can't wait to kiss that belly of yours when I get home from work.

Stay safe, and eat!

Love you


CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.


From: Anastasia Grey

Date: October 24, 2011, 9:02

Subject: RE Missing you

To: Christian Grey

My dear Husband,

I look forward to seeing you tonight, have a lovely day and I promise to eat.

Ana X

Editor, SIP


From: Christian Grey

Date: October 24, 2011, 9:05

Subject: RE Missing you

To: Anastasia Grey

Are you alright? Has something happened? Are you feeling ill, Sawyer said you were acting weird on the way over. Call me Ana.

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.


From: Anastasia Grey

Date: October 24, 2011, 9:07

Subject: RE Missing you

To: Christain Grey

I'm fine stop worrying. I'll call you later, I love you

Ana x

Editor, S.I.P

Hopefully, that puts the tide over on his worry and makes him to not freak out on me. I get up and check out my office to find Sawyer sitting across from Hannah at the little makeshift desk he made for himself. I shut the blinds and grab the phone from my desk and call the local Courthouse.

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