Chapter Three

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I got a lot of hate on the original chapter because the amount in the story that was being discussed was a really small amount but in my defence $5,000 is a lot of fucking money to me lol. Student Debt got my hard. Anyway I'm changing the number so if it doesn't make sense late that it probably why.

Anastasia Point of View:

A buzzing wakes me up. A constant and extremely annoying buzzing, along with the loud and aggressive bang of a thunder rolling through the sky. My swollen eyes open to the pitch black room, under the black out curtains light gleams in being the only indication that it wasn't currently 3:00 in the morning. Christians breath is soft against my neck. His hands tangled around my stomach wrapped around his white dress shirt. His left leg is thrown between mine holding me in place, keeping me in his warm grasp. I reach out to the side table where my phones sits, and pick up the fully charged phone I'm assuming thanks to Christian. The broad light blinds me and my eyes struggle to focus in on the time. 7:15 am. Not too bad, but I'm surprised Christian isn't awake yet.

Dickson's Cafe and Lounge, 8 am sharp. Don't be late. -Alexander

I delete the text as soon as it comes in. He must have been up to some heavy research if he was able to get my phone number and email. I lock my phone and put it back on the night stand, before attempt to wiggle out of Christians steel grasps. It is bit of struggle at first, small moans of protest escape his lips before his sleeping frame gives up lets go of my waist. I shuffle out of bed, making as little noise as possible as I head into the closet. I tug on some jeans and a simple blouse before slipping on simple boots and heading out of the room. The thunder booms through out the seemingly empty apartment. How out of character I think. The kitchen is vacant, Ms. Jones usual bright personality seemingly masked by the storm that rolls through Seattle. I move quickly though out the apartment mostly to not get caught be Sawyer or Taylor. I open the drawer the houses all the car keys pulling out the red R4 before closing the drawer. I rush to the elevator, grabbing my purse on the way out. As the elevator moves down to the garage I pull my hair into a simple bun, fluffing out the bangs as I step out into the once again completely empty garage. I unlock the car as I rush over not caring about being quiet anymore. I toss my purse onto the passenger seat before starting the engine of the car. Letting it purr to life before zipping out of the garage. The Seattle roads are surprising vacant, the side walks theatre usually filled with office goers or morning joggers are some what empty, possibly due to the crap weather that plagues the early morning commute. As I dash through the wet streets multiple tests begin to fill my phone, the dings fill the empty car and I quickly assume its a furious Christian. I park the car outside of the cafe seamlessly. Probably the best parking job I've ever done, maybe Christian will let me actually drive the car after he sees this one. I grab my purse digging through to find my phone that was already filled with angry tests from Christian.

Anastasia, I have woken to find that you give Sawyer the slip and went out alone, driving one of the fastest cars we own in a storm. Where the hell are you? - Christian Grey, sent at 7:46

I am serious Anastasia. After the fit you threw last night you shouldn't be going anywhere. You have nearly eaten anything I'm surprise you made it to go the god damn car. Call me. -Christian Grey, sent at 7:48

Anastasia, I will go to wherever you are and make sure that you cannot sit down for a week. Call me! -Christian Grey, sent at 7:53

I'm Fine -Anastasia Grey, sent at 7:58                                                                                                                                                                         

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