Chapter Sixty Three

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I haven't read it over for mistakes yet so apologizes if the chapters trash ❤️

"Are you ready to go Mrs Grey?" Christian asks me leaning against the bathroom door, his top buttons undone on his white dress shirt. My eyes quickly leave his to check the time on the my computer. 4:00 on the dot. Of course.

"Yes of course," I tell him putting my laptop in my bag before standing up. Christian walks over to me picking up my purse and putting it over his shoulder.

"I have to say, I've loved sharing an office with you not only because of the fantastic sex but because It means my day gets to begin and end with you, however, I'm so glad to see you go Mrs. Grey," He tells me. I give him a smile leaning up and giving him a light kiss on the lips before we head out. Tonight is Kates' Bachelorette party and we have to leave early to get ready for that. We're separating for a majority of the night before we meet up with the boys at the club. Then Kates coming back to Christian and I's house. If things were different I assume that Kate and I would go to a hotel, but Christian doesn't feel comfortable with me being away from him for the night.

"Is Taylor downstairs?" I ask him as I wave bye to Hannah as we pass. She gives me a smile and a wave before we step onto the elevator. Hannah and I had a lunch date, so I could wish her luck working for just Christian.

"Of course," He tells me as he presses the main floor button. He wraps his arm around me pulling me close. "I don't want you to go tonight," He murmurs in my hair as he plants a kiss on the top of my hair.

"I know you don't," I tell him wrapping my arms around his waist. We pull away when the elevator stops moving and we step out. Christian nods his head in the direction of the main security downstairs, a way that he and his employees say bye apparently. Christian helps me into the awaiting Audi, I make small conversation with Taylor for a bit before the call falls silent besides the soft hum of the car. We make it home without any trouble seeing as most people don't get off until 5.

"I'm going to go get ready," I tell him giving Christian a kiss as we walk in before I walk up the stairs. I head upstairs and begin scavenge through my clothings. I let out a sigh coming up with nothing to wear. I try on 4 different dresses all of them having a different issue. One is just ugly, the other is unflattering, the other makes me look way too big and the last one doesn't fit at all. I throw the clothing down on the chair in the closet before crossing my arms over my belly. It seems to be getting harder and harder to find anything to wear. "CHRISTIAN!" I yell. I wait patiently as I hear something drop before the thumping comes. The closet door flies open to reveal an out of breath Christian and a worried looking Sawyer behind him.

"What? Are you alright? Are you hurt? Is something wrong with the baby?" He asks me quickly walking over to me and looking me over.

"I can't find anything to wear," I tell him. Sawyer let's out a half hearted chuckle before turning around shaking his head. "Sorry Sawyer," I tell yell to him as the bedroom door shuts.

"Holy shit Ana don't do that to me when you're 8 and a half months pregnant. I almost had a damn heart attack," He asks me his hands on his knees.

"Don't joke about that," I tell him hitting his arms.

"Don't scream at the top of your lungs when you're heavily pregnant," He retaliates. He stands up normally shaking his head as he does it. "Jesus Ana," He mutters. He walks over to the chair and picks up the dresses I left. "What was wrong with these?" He asks me.

"One was too big, the other was ugly, the other one was too small, and the last one made me look fat," I tell him. He looks me dead in the eyes for a second giving me a dirty look. "My stomach stuck out too much for my liking, better?" I ask him.

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