Chapter Twenty-Six

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Ana's Point of View:

The Audi pulls up 15 minutes later. I lift my face up to see Christian rushing over to me with his suit jacket in hand. Christian kneels in front of me, wrapping his arm jacket around my shivering body.

"Have you been drinking? You smell like beer," He tells me. His eyes show confusion and anger. I look to Kate quick with pleading eyes.

"No, god no Christian don't be stupid. Jose spilt beer on her," Kate tells him as Elliot pulls Kate to the car. I slide into the front seat where Christian buckles me in and turns on the heat.

"So what happened?" Elliot asks me. I pull Christian's jacket tighter around me.

"Jose was being a dick," Kate says rolling her eyes.

"Saying what?" Christian asks. His hand moving across the center console to rub my knee.

"Oh nothing," I murmur leaning my head on the window.

"Ana," Christian warns.

"He said that she was a whore and that it was easy to get with her," Kate says. I look at her in the rearview mirror glaring at her.

"He said what?" Christian yells.

"Where the fuck did that asshole go," Elliot asks leaning up.

"I don't know he drove off. He was really drunk though," I tell them.

"That doesn't excuse it, Ana. Why the fuck didn't either of you texts us?" Christian asks. Parking the car in the underground parking of the Escala.

"We didn't want you guys baring over like you always do," Kate says as she gets out of the car. I follow behind her slamming the door. I slide my arms through Christians jacket to warm up my shivering body.

"I fucking hate Jose," Elliot says as he steps into the elevator followed behind Christian. Christian wraps his arms tightly around my body and pulls me tight against his chest.

"You're still freezing," He mumbles into my hair. "I don't want you hanging out with Jose anymore," Christian says.

"I agree, He's a dick. I don't like being a hardass on you Kate but that guy is trouble," Elliot agrees.

"He's been my friend for years I can't just push him away," I murmur as the elevator reaches the top floor.

"Who called you a whore and threw beer on you well pregnant," Elliot says.

"Whatever I'm going to shower," I murmur walking into our bedroom. It isn't even 8:30 and I'm exhausted. I walk int the bathroom and hear Christian shut the door behind me. I run the bath and add Jasime oil hoping that it will settle my stomach.

"Ana, you know that I'm just trying to protect you right," He asks me as he leans against the door frame watching me as I pull off my smelly jacket. I try to pull off my sweater dress but gag at the scent of beer. I try to suppress it but I can't I haul my way to the toilet and empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

"Oh baby," He mumbles rubbing my back as he leans behind me. When I finish throwing up Christian flushes the toilet, closes the lid and helps me sit on the seat. "Let's get the dress off you." He pulls off the smelly dress and toses is across the bathroom.

"Thank you," I mumble. He unclasps my bra letting the fabric fall to my lap. I slide off my panties and tights letting them pool around my legs.

"Oh Christian," I murmur my voice breaking as I lean into Christian and sob into his chest.

"Baby please don't cry," Christian begs me as he rubs my back. The idea of Jose hating me brings vomit up to my throat.

"I'm sorry," I sob out. Christian just tugs me tighter to his chest and rubs softly.

"I love you,' He tells me softly. I nod my head against his chest and he helps me up. He picks me up and slowly sets me down in the warm bath. He sits down beside me, grabbing a cloth and rinsing the water along with my shoulders and neck.

"The baby doesn't like alcohol," I tell him peering over to him.

"Good, that baby is never-ever drinking," He tells me. I let out a giggle at the idea of Christian being a strict parent. "Thats the sound I love baby," He says kissing my nose.

"What he says isn't true you know," He says, rubbing some conditioner into my hair. I don't respond to him, just quickly go under water to wash out the conidtioner in my hair. When I pop back out Christian is looking at me intensily.

"It's not true Ana, I need to hear you say it," He tells me. I sigh and look into his eyes.

"It's not true," I say back.

"Good, now lets get you out of the tub." Christian says, I stand up and he wraps a white fluffy towel around me. Christian sets me on the bed and moves into my closet to grab me a night gown. He walks back out shirtless wearing sleep pants and holding a satain night gown.

"Christian," I murmur.

"Yes baby," He asks me. Setting the nightgown beside me. I grab the hem of his sleep pants and tug him into me giving him a passionate kiss on the mouth.

"make love to me," I whisper.

"Don't have to ask me twice Mrs. Grey."

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