10 July, 2017.

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The first time I missed college this term.

Yeah, I am that nerd who doesn't like missing college. In 10th grade, I used to make sure that I went to school everyday. Back then, it wasn't for studies. It was for friends, because of my friends. I used to have so fun with them, felt so much acceptability that I would insist on going to school even if I was sick.

But now, it's for a different reason. My college is such that there is something new taught everyday. A lot of things that I've never thought about or even heard before. I get tremendous amount of knowledge being on campus and in lectures. I have no idea if I'll ever be able to, or remember to apply all the knowledge I've learnt but it is interesting nonetheless.

I think this change of attitude has come because of a certain bubbly and positive Kristen. Since the day I met her, her curious nature has always intrigued me. She goes through a lot but is always looking forward to something. She finds the good in the bad and that has slightly rubbed off on me.

I used to be very negative as a person but that is slowly changing.

Anyways, I spent my day off figuring out how to complete the assignment due. On time. Its that report I had to make based on the interview that I took of my uncle a couple of days (maybe weeks) back. Even when I had the material, I couldn't get myself to type full sentences and, eventually, paragraphs, of a well thought and researched report.

The submission deadline was at 4PM. I started at 2.

Some how I managed to read my notes, write the report, edit it, re read it and then E-mail it to the concerned faculty by 3:39PM.

Phew. That's done.

After that I resumed my reading and watching.

That pretty much sums up my day.

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