24 October, 2017.

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Vacation Day 8.

Today was a home-in day but with Kristen!

I woke up at 10 AM and set everything up for when Kristen comes home. She came by around 11:30 AM. The sole reason for today's plan was to watch 'Silence Of The Lambs'. We have been wanting to watch it for about 2 months now and we're finally getting to do it. The movie was good! I liked it! There were some parts where I was like 'Dafaq, he couldn't possibly know this!' but yeah, it was fun. We had a bag of chips and drinks too so that made it all too easy for us to enjoy.

We then had lunch and thought of watching the sequel. Due to technical (and some boredom) issues, we abandoned a lot of movies in the first minite itself. These movies included Hannibal, Mulan, Back To The Future 2, Dear Zindagi, etc. We finally settled for Star Wars when Alex came home and requested for it. He left in half an hour tho because he was tired.

I had tried watching Star Wars with Kristen in college but didn't quite enjoy it. But today, I did. Well, I won't go crazy over it but yeah, for me it is a one time watch.

Kristen left at around 7PM and I went about watching Dancing With The Stars.

I'll list the ranking in which I like the contestants:
1] Lindsey & Mark
2] Jordan & Lindsay
3] Victoria & Val
4] Vanessa & Maks
5] Nikki & Artem
6] Drew & Emma
7] Terrell & Cheryl
8] Niks & Peta
9] Frankie & Whitney

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