17 October, 2017.

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It's finally vacation time!

I thought I'd wake up really late but nope, I got up at 8. I had a waxing appointment. And this time I had wax my legs, arms, arm-pits and even thread my eyebrows. Eyebrows really do change a person's appearance. I still can't figure out whether it makes mine better or worse.

Anyways, the lady came, did her deed, spoke some unnecessary words and left. I pretty much chilled after that until lunchtime after which Alex and I had to leave for our passport appointment. It was a big trouble to actually get to the required office but we ultimately made it in time.

Our time in the passport office consisted mainly of waiting and trying to keep an ear out for anything that remotely sounded like our names. I had planned, taken and cross checked every document that was necessary for us to apply for a passport. Infact, I did it for myself and for Alex. But things did not turn out in my favour now, did it?

Alex and I are twins. Apart from our education post 10th grade, we have done literally the same things in our lives, have the same type of documents and had applied for exactly the same type of passport for the same exact reason.

When we came to counter A, Alex and I were in separate booths, beside one another. I saw him take out money for some fee and went to check if I had some money on me. But the lady at counter told me that it won't be necessary and directed my directly to Counter C. Bitch you don't know your alphabets? What happened to counter B?

Anyways, the dude in counter C (which is apparently a counter for verification) started questioning me as if I've done some crime which I'm trying to cover up. He asked for proof  of my academic qualifications. Nowhere in that damn website was it mentioned that I had to get my 10th grade marksheet and here is this guy demanding for it.

He told me that he needs it ECNR. I didn't know what the fuck that meant so he explained- ECNR basically stands for Emigration Cheque Not Required. Apparently you need this status on your passport if you ever want to work in any of the gulf countries. He told me that this is for my own benefit and that he will keep my application on hold if I can come back and give my marksheet in a couple of days. I told him that I'll come tomorrow and if possible, if Alex and I could get the same time slot. I mean, even he didn't have his marksheets so he was bound to get held up at his counter, right?

Dude told me to quickly find my brother and to tell him to take an appointment for tomorrow so that we get the same time slot. I ran and I found him. I waited back cause I knew that he'd get held back the same way I did. But no, he didn't. They accepted his fucking application without asking for his marksheet!

My first reaction- Bloody Sexist!

Alex and I went back to my counter (to be fair, it was more of an office than a regular counter) and demanded for an explanation. Well, not demanded, just politely asked. You cannot take your chances with government officials. They'll fuck your documents up. Dude told us the entire ECR- ECNR thing again, about how Alex will have to go through another procedure when he actually decides to work in a gulf country and how I'll be sorted if I'm doing it now.

Apparently, certain passports are put under the ECNR category. Why you ask? I don't fucking know.

So it was decided. I was to come there tomorrow to submit the additional documents. Great. Just great.

The way back home took soooooo long. We were stuck in traffic for easily over 2 hours. No wonder I prefer railway to roads.

After coming back home, dad, Alex and I went out for some lights shoppingggg! I was really tired after coming back from the passport office but no way in hell was I missing the opportunity to select my own lighting. I even walked the entire route to the store cause dad and Alex went on a two wheeler. Dedication, bitch.

I finally reached the store, saw a bunch of beautiful lights, bought some of them and left. For the rest of the night, Alex and I were busy hanging all the lights. We lit a lot of candles too!

Before sleeping, I started watching Breaking Bad. It was on my bucket list for so long! I had downloaded the first season but never got around to actually watching it. I watched the first two episodes today and boy, I'm hooked!

I feel like this vacation time is going to be just great.

An Outlet: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now