18 October, 2017.

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Happy Diwaliiii!

It's the first day of the festival and like the tradition at my house, we all woke up pretty early, mom put this fragrant herbal paste on our bodies (fun fact: I used to hate this paste when I was younger but I love it now. I think it's got to do something with its exfoliating abilities), and took a bath.

During bath, one of the family members (apart from the one who has gone for the said bath) has to light fire crackers. I don't why what is the logic behind it but I follow it.

After all the bathings, we went to the temple near our house. The place was so crowded! And not by devoted families but college going teenagers. Apparently, the temple becomes a hangout place during festivals. Nice.

I saw a couple of people I knew (by that I mean I know that they exist) and cleverly avoided their gaze. But I'm not that anti-social. I did meet one person and spoke to her for approximately 8 seconds.....

Moving on, Alex went to college directly for some secret project while my mom, dad and I came back home. Dad went for a work lunch and I went to the passport office and got my deed done. This was the first time I've done some official government thing without my parents. Sure, I'm taking things very slow but it's achievement nonetheless.

After coming back home, my cleaning alter ego took over again and I cleaned the entire house. All of it sparkly clean. I even took two hours out of my 'busy' life and actually made an effort to draw a Rangoli. My artistic skills suck to the core (hey, I haven't used that phase in a long time) but I thing I did a pretty good job. Go me!

In the evening, we had my dad's brothers family over and it was a good family time. We spoke, ate the Diwali food and spoke some more.

My grandad has spontaneously decided to stay over but instead of pulling the extra bed space like we normally do, I decided to sleep in our living room. We have a settee which is perfectly big enough for me to sleep in. Why not make use of it.

One thing that I'm making an effort with is my skin care routine. Every night, before going to sleep, I am trying to apply cleanser, toner and moisturizer to my face and a body lotion to my body. I am even applying an exfoliator every other night.

I don't know if this going make my skin any better but there's no harm in trying, innit?

An Outlet: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now