16 October, 2017.

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Last day of the exams.

I had my law paper today and it was.... good. Such a contrast to my last one.

After the paper, my friends and I went to this taproom in town. No, we didn't plan on drinking- I don't think half of my group even drinks- but we had heard about the board games and we wanted to play that. We were all so excited. But when we got there, we learnt that we needed an ID. Wut? The age limit here is 21and we're only 18-19 years old. Ofcourse none of us had an ID. And as mentioned earlier, not all of us even drink so we got no fake ID either.

We tried convincing the guy but nope. Apparently they were given a notice regarding this issue a few days back. We had no choice but to leave. We realised that there is a popular cafe nearby and went there. We spoke, laughed had fun. The food was good. Not great. Good. We had Mac n cheese, pasta and pizzas. All veg.

Then we walked back to Darcy's car. Let me just put it out there that never in my life am I going to be successful in parallel parking. No I don't drive yet (yeah, all that driving school shit gone in vain) but I just know that I'm going to be a terrible driver when I actually start driving. Darcy's pretty good at her parking tho. Really good. Gives me complex.

Anyways, we went to a newly opened pancake store in town. This was the main moto of today- trying out the pancakes. I like pancakes more than waffles so you know I was down for the plan. We picked another friend ours on the way to the pancake store. The pancakes were good. I went for a basic caramel one and I wasn't disappointed.

After that one by one, Darcy dropped us off at our houses. This woman loves driving so much. We all live in opposite sides of the city but she dropped each one of us. Ofcourse it took a hell lot of time (and one argument-y accident) in the middle but I ultimately reached home. It was 5 PM by that time.

After coming back home, I relaxed for a while and then my festive mood woke up. It's Diwali eve today and the lights still weren't up. My brother and I checked all of the lights to see if they worked and threw out those which didn't (I was happy cause that meant new lights!). We hung the ones that go in our room and I was soooooo excited! I absolutely love lights! In fact Imma put a picture of my lights here.

After that, I took on the task of collecting the necessary documents for tomorrow's passport appointment (Alex and I are 18 and we had to apply for a minor to major passport)

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After that, I took on the task of collecting the necessary documents for tomorrow's passport appointment (Alex and I are 18 and we had to apply for a minor to major passport)

At midnight, my cleaning alter ego woke up. I suddenly had the urge to clean the intricate glass shelving unit in my living room, which housed all the expensive glasses, bowls and showpeices that my family has collected during its various trips.

It took me 3 hours to get it done. My dad came out and was pleasantly surprised to see me doing some much needed housework. He was so surprised that he woke my mom up and made her see what I was doing.

It was an amusing spectacle for them.

An Outlet: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now