31 October, 2017.

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We had our town hall today.

Our professors guided us through the Semester 4 Structure, Curriculum, Course content, and Assessment Criteria.  They also announced that we will have Creative Seminars and Studios which will enable us to learn the techniques of thinking and expressing our thoughts in a structured manner. Let's see how that turns out.

The electives for this semester are:
1. Startup Incubation
2. Portfolio & Technical Analysis
3. Tech A Peek
4. Sustainable Social Responsibility
5. Design Thinking

At this point I'm leaning towards Portfolio Management cause I've been wanting to learn this for the longest time.

After the townhall,  we had our finance project. We quickly revised everything and went in for the first part of our project, the group viva. It was... okay. I was super nervous, we all were. The professor who took our viva is very impartial. And she will never directly correct us if we go wrong. She will keep on asking us follow up questions until we ourselves realize our mistakes. I hesitated a bit when she asked me a question and I didn't speak much throughout the viva compared to the others so I thought mine did not go that well.

Right after our viva, when my group was talking to the professor, I saw some numbers written next to each of our names on a sheet of paper. I saw a single digit '6' next to mine and double digits next to others. I immediately felt bad. I had worked really hard on this project, stayed up multiple days to get everything perfect. I do get sad when I get low marks but ever since I've joined this college and got a self-declared reputation of being a nerd, I have been way too sensitive about not doing well in academics. I went away from my group and began crying. One of my friends noticed and came behind me. She calmed me down and told me that it wasn't possible that I would get a 6. After a minute or two she looked and me and asked, "What's your roll number?"

My roll number is 6.

HOW DAFT CAN I BE!!! I felt really embarrassed after that and couldn't stop laughing at myself.

We had about an hour to prepare for the next part of our project, the group presentation. We had heard that every group before us had to redo their project because they hadn't got this one part right. We were pretty tensed but ours went surprisingly well. My group mates were able to answer all the questions and he did not have any issue with our presentation. Which was great!

After this project, we stayed back for a while and discussed about another project, whose submission is scheduled for tomorrow. We invested so much time in today's project that we hadn't worked on the second one at all. But I've got a good hardworking group so we all quickly distributed our parts and did our thing.

I came home, panicked a bit about my part of the project but eventually, I completed it. Let's hope our last minute project goes well.

An Outlet: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now