9 July, 2017.

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I have decided to make a second journal as a continuation to my first journal purely because it was getting difficult for me to write new chapters.

This journal will also consist of 100 of my days on this planet (if at all I exist for that many days. Too dark?). I hope I will indeed update this journal as much as I plan to.

So let's start with today.

Today was a free day. I didn't have college, no assignments... That's not true. I have an assignment that I have been pushing forward for the longest amount of time but can't find the motivation to finally complete.

The submission is tomorrow. Hopefully I'll finish it on time.

Instead of fulfilling my academic responsibilities, I spent my entire day reading on Wattpad and watching YouTube videos. Nothing new there.

In the evening, I started panicking about my pending assignment and that's when my dad asked me if I wanted to come meet a relative who had just had a surgery.

I couldn't possibly give my assignment as an excuse for not coming because I had the entire day to do it and I was positive that I wouldn't complete it even if I stayed back.

Another reason why I did go was because some where or the other I do want to socialise with family as well. Other than my immediate family (which includes Alex, my parents, my granddad, my dad's siblings' family and my mom's siblings' family), I never felt the need to interact with other family members. I had a notion that everyone was just interested in prying their noses into other people's businesses.

But then I realised that I come from a family background where keeping in touch with other relatives shows consideration and respect. It's not like I want nothing to do with my other relatives.

So I went. I met the family, kind of spoke to the kid in the family (Spencer, don't worry, you're still the only kid I enjoy being with) and met the one with the surgery.

While we were in the process of leaving, there was another family who entered and I swear the women in that family were judging me so hard when I wouldn't elaborate on any of their questions. You see, it's a task explaining my college situation to people since it's a new one. But I'm not going to tell every person I meet about how I came around to being in that college. It doesn't concern everyone.

After I came home, the three of us (dad, Alex and I) had a good dinner and now we're about to sleep.

After thinking about what all I did today, I'd like to give a silent note to myself:

Buck the fuck up or you're going to end up being a loser all your life.

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