19 December, 2017.

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It's the Global Village day.

A few weeks ago, I was sure not to attend the fest. Not even come to college on the day but here I am, off to college.

Not specifically for the fest but there was no communication about classes being cancelled and I really wanted to attend the Finance Lecture. And so I did. I reached college a bit late and I got to know that all the 4 divisions were having a combined Finance lecture because literal 10% of the total batch had bothered to turn up for lectures.

When I entered the room, the students and the Finance professor were lowkey bitching about the lack of co-ordination between the management. I mean, of course, as a professor, when 20 out 200 students show up, it's bound to be a worthless feeling. But as soon as the professor saw me take out my books, she began the lecture. Honestly, I had no intention of bitching cause I've done plenty of that before. But let the people who turned up for the lecture, have a proper lecture. Simple.

After the lecture, I was supposed to go meet Kristen and Paul who had come to college for self studying, not attending any lecture or even come for Global Village. I got caught up with a couple of others for a while and then decided to go the place where the Global Village fest was taking place.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned the theme or the events of Global Village before so I shall now.

So each club was assigned a country (which they will represent across all events/competitions) and there was an auction based on changing the country, getting extra time during a certain event, changing the order in which the clubs would perform, etc.

So after the auction, my club was assigned to represent Turkey. The events were:
-> Debate
-> Business Idea Pitching Event
-> Food Truck
-> Talent Show

The first one did not have to be related to the countries but the other three did. I didn't go for the pitching event but basically each club had to think of a business idea that would do well in the country they've been assigned to/representing.

I witnessed a debate finals (my club had gotten eliminated in round 2, which was held yesterday). I think it was a good one. The topic was based on blockchain, and even though the participants were surprising, they put up a good fight.

I then went to Food Truck arena where I found my club people. Each club had to present 2 dishes each. My club was representing Turkey so we (I say we but it's only because it's my club. I didn't do shit for Global Village. Can't mention that enough times, can I?) made baklava and some other cabbage dish. The baklava was so goooood! I can't believe the woman actually baked it. I went around and saw so many amazing food. The Japan club had sushi, the Spain club had Tacos, the Scotland Club had a really tasty pastry, the Indian Club had samosas, one other club had Churros, it was basically food heaven! The decor of each club's table was also damn interesting.

Even though I had just come as an audience, I helped in serving the judges and other audience members. It was quite fun. Atleast I did *something* for the club, eh?

The last event of the day was the Talent show. Each club had to showcase the clothing, songs, dance, basically the culture of the country assigned to the club. My club decided to have a guitar performance (which wasn't that great, to be honest) and a traditional Turkish Dance and a fashion show with Turkish clothes, with a Turkish Music in the background. We even had a screen on the background showcasing the various important structures and destinations of Turkey. Honestly, I was quite impressed with what they put up. I mean, they actually did their research and did so much! It would have been better if the lighting had been better and the whole thing was a bit more lively. Because the other clubs mostly only had a dance and a fashion show but with more lively beata. Most of the songs weren't even made in that country.

Only one other club put up a singing performance and it was good.

We didn't place in the competition but atleast we tried. I didn't even think WORD would put up anything for this fest but I think the Prez and his troupe did an absolutely amazing job. And I'm glad I came to witness it cause I really enjoyed myself hooting for and supporting my club members and looking at what the other clubs had prepared.

An Outlet: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now