23 October, 2017.

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Vacation Day 7.

Today, finally after ages I met Venus and Kristen and we had such a great time!

I got up at 10 AM and began watching all of the things I watch on a daily basis till about 2:30 PM. After that I got ready, went out and bought cupcakes for Venus (cause her birthday just went and I couldn't meet her back then) and went to this really small cute creperie.

We were supposed to reach at 4 and I reached sharp at 4. Kristen came about a couple mins later. I was so happy to see her! We went in and started catching up with whatever we've been up to in these vacations. Venus stayed only a couple of mins away and the woman was half an hour late. She is never on time. Nonetheless, we had a great time eating Nutella and Apple Crepes while talk about....
Wait for it...

That's right. We are creepy and weird.

After that, we decided to go for a walk towards the sea side while talking about various TV shows that we'd been watching currently. I really want to watch Black Mirror. It sounds like something I would like. I had seen one episode about last year at Venus' house and did get creeped out but I'm willing to give it another shot. If only I get time to watch it amidst Breaking Bad, Riverdale, Friends and Alex's constant pestering for watching GoT.

We took a couple of pictures on the sea side while indulging in not-so-juicy gossip. We got hungry again and went to eat potato delicacies in this food laden street. Honestly, this street is any foodie's heaven! You get everything from milkshakes to fries to ice-creams to waffles to Lebanese to Chinese to Indian to bubble tea to churos to burgers to meat, everything.

We then walked uphill towards Venus' building. We sat on the cars parked below while discussing about our not-so-existent career plans. Kristen said that this year, she isn't getting much out of our college like she did last year. She doesn't know if doing the course that we're doing was actually the right thing for her cause apparently she ended up learning half the things on YouTube. I still haven't given all of this a thought but I will have to. Soon.

After meeting Venus' mom, who told us that the house would be empty, we bought ourselves some snacks, drinks and went up to her place. There we fooled around and spoke about mythology at lengths. Well, it was mostly Venus and Kristen who did most of the talking but yeah. My friends are so knowledgeable it makes me feel so proud!

Kristen and I left her place sharp at 8:30 PM. Kristen said she missed hanging out with her. They both have been close much longer than I have to either of them so I can understand the nostalgia that she might have had. Venus is actually such an interesting human to be around.

On the other hand we have Darcy.

We have given her end number of clues which clearly show that Kristen and I are trying to dissociate ourselves from her. Ideally this makes us sound like bitches but we have our reasons of not wanting her.

Today, Kristen apparently posted a picture of me on her Instagram story and Darcy was quick to sarcastically reply to it. Kristen and I got really pissed. It is our wish who we want to hang out with. She doesn't have the right to question Kristen in any way. Yes, we did become friends in the beginning of our college life but there have been a lot of character shifts since then.

Till about a year ago, I wondered how people drifted apart. As in, not because of distance but just fall out. Where does your judgement go when you became friends with them in the first place? But I get it now. In the beginning of anything, some people, especially me, tend to become friends with those who actually make an effort to be friends. Then comes the likes and dislikes and personalities and beliefs. Once they don't match or you don't feel comfortable with that person anymore, you have the right to move on. You don't have to stick to the person because they were with you in the beginning.

This is the same case with Darcy. The three of us became friends and no one else also bothered to be that close to us in the first year. But as we started hanging out, I (and Kristen, which I got to know later on) felt a disconnect with her because of her extremely nosy and agressive behaviour.

Maybe I'll talk more about Darcy and what makes me dislike her so much some other time, if I even want to record that.

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