29 November, 2017.

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I think I know why my emotions were at such a high yesterday.

I got periods for the second time in a month. Maybe I was having one of my mood swings yesteday. Wait, do people get mood swings, before, during or after periods? I'll have to check that out.

But coming to the main problem, I have never had my periods come early let alone twice in a month. I hope my body is okay. I'll have to research on this too.

Because of my sudden outburst.....(get it? get it?... Okay that was bad), I didn't go to college today. I didn't have the necessary supplies to help me get through the day.

I was kind of glad that I'll be staying home cause we had a test in class today and I was not prepared for it AT ALL. I haven't even read a page of the PDF.

Today was a much needed day in for me after yesterday's incidents.

In the afternoon tho, a problem crept up. A couple of days ago, Gurtley, another girl and I got one of the boys removed from our Marketing group because he wasn't doing any work and we hate free riders. The confrontation had surprisingly gone very well and I thought we were finally done with our Marketing group situation. Boy was I wrong.

I got a call from an unknown number which I later recognised as one obnoxious girl from my class. This girl is apparently a daughter of some politician and I guess some of her father's professional traits have passed down to her. She has a 'I'll figure a way out' attitude and that 'way out' is mostly at one innocent person's expense. She can be very persistent and put up a convincing show in front of others and get her work done. Needless to say she is one of those influencers who gets what she wants.

I know her as someone who will go up and talk to a person only when she needs help and quickly forget about them after her work is done and reaped the benefits out if it. She has never even said a simple hi to me in class and here I am, getting a call from her. I knew there was a selfish motive  behind this call. Obviously I continued to watch my phone ring and didn't pick up.

About a min later I got a class from Gurtley and my stomach dropped. Gurtley, for some reason, likes to maintain good relations with that group even after knowing how selfish and cunning they can be. So naturally, I thought Gurtley is calling to convince me to take this girl and her friends into our group, considering tomorrow is the submission day.

But I was pleasantly surprised when I picked the call. That girl had called Gurtley to allow them to join our group and she DIDN'T want to let them in. Well, that's a relief. She told me that the girl had called her quite a lot to convince her to let them join our group, after her own 'best friend' played politics and kicked her out of her previous group. We spoke to a member of her previous group and learnt that one of the reasons why they chose the 'best friend' instead of her was because she didn't contribute anything in their previous projects and was completely useless. Gurtley and I spent a lot of time discussing how to tell that girl and her friend to kindly fuck off and find some other group without directly calling them good-for-nothings.

Eventually, we did talk to the girl. We told her that we'd already changed our group once and spoken to the professor incharge about it and didn't want to look finicky in front of him. This girl was like "I'll talk to him, I'll email him, y'all don't have to do anything. We will work really hard." Mostly talking to Gurtley she went "I am asking you this because you are my friend. It is very embarrassing for me as well because I don't want to beg in front of others to let us in their groups." I think she didn't like the fact that Gurtley involved me in the conversation and she had to beg in front of me.

I think she should have had more self respect than that and gone to some other group the minute Gurtley and I said no. That girl and I are very different from each other and will never be able to be friends. How can she expect me to readily welcome her into my group when she knows she's never spoken to me and has a reputation of using others? Why doesn't she run off to her many 'friends' and ask them for help? If they can party together, they should be willing to work together too. Otherwise it's a shame.

Well, I had an interesting afternoon-evening. This should be a message to others to not take Gurtley and me for granted. If you don't talk to me, you get no help from me.


Maybe I should watch Dr. Strange and Ragnarok in the meantime.....

An Outlet: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now