22 October, 2017.

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I thought I'd wake up at about 7-7:30 AM today and go to the big idol on a hill nearby.

I woke up at 10.

I pretty much lazed around the entire day after that. We left for home at around 6 PM and reached within three hours.

Normally, I would sleep in the car but this time I made it a point to see the roads and admire the nightime beauty of the country.

On a completely different tangent, I realise that I have a lot of work pending so I'm just going to list them out here:
-> Finance Project
-> Entrepreneurship Project 1
-> Entrepreneurship Project 2
-> Poem
-> FY Booklet
-> Visiting Pop-up Hut
-> Transfering phone data to laptop
-> Clearing and sorting out papers
-> Meeting Kristen and Venus
-> Meeting Emily, Mia, Nova, Mikayla and Marissa
-> Taking Alex out for a treat
-> Investing in mutual funds
-> Making something for Mia
-> Figuring out how to start net-banking

This is everything I can think of out of the top of my head.

Good lord, I'm going to have to do serious time management.

An Outlet: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now