31 January, 2018.

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Today was yet another long day.

We had a Law test after our normal lectures. I don't copy during exams nor do I enjoy when someone peeps into my paper or continuously asks me for answers. Since I'm part of the nerd gang (PROUD), it is imperative that people will want to to sit around us. This is why I take the effort to sit as far away from my friends as possible so that I don't have to entertain any copying bullshit. Usually, it leads me to sit completely alone on the first bench (like today) and I'm totally fine with it.

The Law exam went well and after a brief notice about internships, Kristen, Paul and I went to have our lunch at the resident canteen area. We sat there for a lot of time, during which there was a debate over who am I better off with (Kristen or Paul) and who is third wheeling. To be completely honest, I'm the one who third wheels when we three are together but I decided to enjoy their bickering instead.

After that, we worked quite a bit on the WORD book which apparently is another tool to attract a part of the govt's attention.

While working on the book, Alex randomly calls me up and says that he feels very sad. He then asked me to check my whatsapp. Apparently he had his hair cut today......


Alex and I couldn't stop laughing and a prof. even gave me 'Are you okay?' looks when I passed her cabin.

He looked damnnnn funny. Alex and I have a really high eye number so we legit cannot see how our hair is being cut until we put our specs back on. He was going for a cut he had done previously and looked pretty good in it but the barber mistook it for a millitary cut. Guess that salon just lost a customer.

And now I'll have to buy a benie for my (not so little) brother.

After getting one main part of the content finalised, we visited the campus designer to fix our layout and get the graphic designing started. Apparently this designer Ma'am takes a lot of checking up on to get the work so I'll have spend a lot more time with her. Even the Vice Dean, who Ms. Paula introduced us to as the students working on the book, warned us to be behind the lady's back. So for this week it'll be easier to spot where I'll be 'hanging out' after normal college hours.

At around 6, we three finally decided to study Accounts, the original plan for the day. We quickly realised how messed up we are with the topics and that it's going to be a task to go through Friday's exam. We studied till 7:45, trying to explain concepts to each other and occasionally taking help from a few wandering faculty.

We then went to watch the Eclipse. Pardon my geography but I was confused for a long time. It said that today was blood moon but the moon looked normal to me. It was later that I realised that the hidden part is supposed to be red cause that's the 'shadow'. Kristen, Paul and I had a very ridiculous yet intense discussion on this subject in the middle of the road. We even asked random strangers to solve our ignorant doubts. It was fun.

After coming back home, I still didn't get to relax. I had to edit the next part of the book and it took a bloody long time to do it. It's 3:00 AM now and I have just decided to call it a day and retain my sanity.


Part 2 of An Outlet comes to an end right here. I will be making a third journal for the next hundred 100 days of my life.

An Outlet: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now