13 July, 2017.

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Today was... a mess.

In more than just one way.

Our first lecture was law, which was at 8 o clock. Nobody comes on time even for a 9 AM lecture, I don't think you can expect people to come by 8. These late entries continuously disrupted the class' flow and bugged the teacher as well, who seemed very particular amount being on time.

The lecture itself was nice. We learnt more about offer and acceptance, fancy jargon included.

After this lecture, we had our data analytics lecture. I have a feeling the strong attendance of students was caused by this lecture. I mean, a cricket auction seems to be a pretty good incentive to attend.

So we were sent to this room on our 7th floor. This room is big but not enough when there are almost 100 of us involved and that too in groups.

The entire class was chaotic.

The ideal plan for the day was to indentify which players were taken up by more than one team. That player would then be put up for auction. The player which was selected by only one team was automatically considered sold to that team.

And then the auction would begin and we'd all strategically bid for players and make a team of 14.

Well, things did not go that way, did it?

A few teams weren't ready with their homework, certain rules weren't conveyed properly which led to lot of arguments over players.

After an hour, the bidding began. My strategy was to bid for players even if you don't want them so that the ultimate price increased and the one who wanted the player would buy that player for a high price. Ofcourse the person who stood for bidding from my team didn't get my memo. Idiot cost us a lot of money in just the third round.

There was a lot of commotion during the auction. I have a feeling that most of the teams have exhausted their money and have done some manipulation with the price of the non auctioned members. They're known for manipulation so I wouldn't expect anything less from them.

This 'auction went on till 11:00AM, when it was supposed to get over by 10:30. So the remaining schedule got postponed as well.

Anyways, after that mess of a class, Kristen and I went to a classroom for our snacks break. It has been a long time since it was only the two of eating together. I discussed about my President and his hostile attitude to her and she told me not to keep any such expectations from him. Not in a rude way, but as a friendly caution.

After that we had an Accounts lecture. Because of the confusion of postponement, people started entering very late which got our professor pissed. The class was nice, we learnt exactly what was in our portion amd felt nice for a change. In a place where everyone is focused on going beyond the curriculum, having a defined class felt right and more importantly, controlled.

After Accounts, we had an Eco lecture and that's where another major incident occurred. Since the attendance was more than average, a lot of people weren't paying attention in class. They were busy in their own world. Even I for some amount of time spaced out whenever he went a bit off topic. Besides, I had already learnt the concepts about two years back. The class was a mess. Towards the end of the lecture, I noticed our Dean standing outside our class, visibly pissed. She stood there for about 10 mins, most of the students oblivious to her presence.

When the class ended, she marched into the class, ordered everyone to stay back and asked the Eco professor to give us a surprise question to answer. Me paying attention in class combined with the fact that I had already learnt these concepts before, came to my advantage. I could answer the question asked.

After that, we went for our lunch and break and discussed our dean's unexpected outrage.

After break, we had a coding lecture. It was better than last time. We learnt more stuff in HTML and I'm liking it.

After college, Futurepreneurs Club had a meeting. Even if I'm the VP of another club (more about that sad shit later), I am still a member of three other clubs and I will attend their meetings and events if I want to and have time. So I did.

And holy shit, they look like they've already got so much covered. Their mentor took over the meeting and slapped us with a bunch of information. From Think Tank to TedTuesdays to Coding Sessions to collaboration to marking out spaces on the new campus to creating an peer to peer educative system, to finally an end of college fest, they have planned stuff for the entire fucking year!

I refuse to believe that they did all of this in a matter of two days. Their mentor being an 'evangealist' must have had come up with most of it even before the office bearers came into the picture. I'm sure of it.

When Kristen nudged him to speak about a blog that they're starting exclusively for Futurepreneurs, my heart sank and I felt a pinch of betrayal. Blogs were supposed to be WORD's domain. Besides, she wanted to get out of content that is why she chose Futurepreneurs over WORD.

I was numb for the remaining 10 mins of the meeting. I just couldn't believe what I heard. But after some self talk, I came somewhat at peace with the situation.

Kristen is a resourceful girl and it's natural for her to bring her expertise into her projects. She is just doing her part for her club. She definitely has no ill feelings. We'll just have to do better than her. It's called healthy competition.

At night, my team was discussing about how to engage people into attending our meeting, since we don't have much members. They thought getting their guitar and singing. But the song choice made me feel insecure all over again.

I think I have to give up trying to prove to people that I know what they're talking about.

I have to adapt to situations without feeling guilty about them.

I have to stop portraying myself in a way I'm not.

I have to learn to be okay with the fact that people might call me tasteless.

I have to stop being fake.

Fuck, this is difficult.

An Outlet: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now