30 September, 2017 - HBOR #2

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Honest Blurbs Of Randomness #2

Ever since college began, I have been super busy with club work. I have to go to college even on Saturdays. And with the amount of frustration that I get with doing all this, I desperately needed a day off.

And I finally got one. A Saturday.

The previous day (that is a Friday), I had told my mom that if I don't have any work for Saturday, I would go to Amanda's rented place which is about 1 and a half hour away from the actual city. Mom hadn't replied to it but atleast she had heard it.

That day, I got to know that I did not have to come Saturday. I was free! I got really excited and called Amanda up. She told me that she was planning to come to her city house but if I could tell her within two hours if I am coming to her place, she would stay.

This is why I quickly came home and asked my parents. I knew they would say yes. They had to. I needed a break.

But when I asked my dad, he said no.

I fucking lost my shit. I got super angry and started crying really bad. All the pressure, triedness, rejection, frustration got to me and I broke down completely.

Why wouldn't they let me take a break?! I used to stay in college till 8 PM every single day working and used to continue the work even after coming back home. I even sacrificed my Saturdays and Sundays for the work. All this combined with the depressing thoughts that I had during that week completely crushed me.

Why wouldn't my parents see that their kid is seriously getting affected and is over worked and she needs to get out of this shit hole she has to bear EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY!

Later, I got to know that there was a communication problem between my parents and me.

But yeah, that was one day I imploded.

Written on 25 Oct, 2017.

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