23 November, 2017.

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I don't know whether I have any qualms in being alone or not.

I'm kind of used to being alone but there are times when I feel lonely. The times I am alone but not lonely might look awkward to other people but it's fine by me. If I am content with myself and the way I am, I don't have to worry about how I look to others.

Today people from Japan came to college, just like last year.

I was, as usual, on report duty. I wasn't feeling very well today but I needed to push through to feel satisfied about doing my job. One of the writers dropped out at the last moment. My instinct reaction was that I'll cover it up myself but then I put my workoholic self to the background and tried to recruit others and I got one person!

I reached college and attended a Finance lecture about ratios. After that, it was duty time. The President, the new recruit and I divided our roles. I was to cover the 1st part of today's event because I needed to get out of college as soon as I could.

President had his own duty so he went for that, leaving me alone. Apparently, the management had selected a bunch of students to represent my college and I wasn't one of them. So as far as the management was concerned, I wasn't a part of this event and thus wasn't given a badge.

This is one negative thing about being in my club. We write reports and those only go to specific people (who don't even know the faces of those who actually wrote those reports) so majority of the faculty or just people in general do not know that we're actually working and report writing is a thing we do. Honestly, I would have liked a badge saying that I'm a reporter covering today's event.

Anyways, since my job didn't start until the Japanese people arrived and I was completely on my own, I sat in the auditorium where a couple of seniors were getting everything ready. My anti social self took over (when does it not?) and I didn't try to interact with a single soul.

My battery was also on the process of dying on me (at 11 fucking AM in the morning) so I had no option but to stare at everyone's faces.

About 45 mins later, the Japanese Delegates arrived. They were given a campus tour by the selected students after which they all joined me in the main room.

There were presentations made from both contries. The Japanese showed us a video about life in Japan which included music, festivals, cultures, traditions, housing situations, city life, food, etc while the presentation from our side was about our various states and each of its speciality. The Japanese also told us some of the principles and decorum that they follow and expect others to follow too.

Because I've been through some of this last year, this one seemed a bit boring. Maybe the more exciting part was in the second half of the day. But I wasn't going to wait for that. The Japanese and my college students were integrated into many group of about 7-8 people each. They were going to have a group discussion. My duty got over there so I quickly left. My phone battery was dead and I'm dead without my phone.

I watched a lot of NAC videos throughout the day after coming back home. I really like the content that they produce.

NAC (New Age Creators) is a YouTube channel made up of 5 youngsters in the 20-25 year age group. They have a particular theme each week and each person has a designated day to interpret that theme and make a (mostly) less than 5 minute video on it. What sets them apart (besides the fact that all of their content is asthetically pleasing) is that they are all from different parts of the world and do not stay together.

On Mondays, there is OrinsEyes. He is a 21 year old Britisher and currently lives in Liverpool. He loves to travel and talk about political and issues. He was studying music production until he dropped out to focus on his videos. I think it's paying off. :)

On Tuesdays, there is Ana Marta. She is a 20 year old Portuguese and lives in Porto. She has done her degree in Graphic designing and is now working at a media firm. Her interests and talents lie in animation and motion graphics. She has a very calming and pleasant attitude.

On Wednesdays, there is Chase vs Everything. He is a 23 year old New Zealander who currently lives in Auckland. He loves his city and has made a lot of videos on it. He is a full time video maker and photo taker (Yes, I know the actual terms for it). I think he has the most experience in the video making field than the others. I find him attractive.

On Thursdays, there is Coque Macho. He is a 22 year old Spaniard living in Madrid. Joining NAC was a big step for him cause he didn't know English very well. The videos he makes on his own channel are in Spanish. But he's improved so so much! He should be proud of himself. His videos have a lot of emotion which he showcases artistically.

On Fridays, there is Marie Jacquemin. She is a 22 year old German who studied in America and now resides in London. She is currently embarking on the journey of being a freelancer. I find her the most relatable person out of them. She is a sarcastic, funny, practical person who is open about her hardships.

On some Saturdays they have a guest who also interprets the theme in his/her own way. When I saw Lucy Moon as one of their guests, I knew I had to follow them. I like Lucy's content so anyone she agrees to collaborate with has to be awesome too.

How did I get to know about this channel? I guess I stumbled across Ana Marta's channel while either watching a bunch of graphic design videos or studying abroad videos and instantly liked her personality. I got to know she joined a group of youngsters to form NAC and thought I'd give them a try and since then I was hooked.

All of them are really talented and they try to put out quality videos week after week. The type of content that they generate has garnered a more mature audience than a lot of popular Youtubers. That makes the comment section filled with less of Fangirl love letters and more of wise words.

I wish them all the success there is. I will continue to watch their videos and support them as much as I can.

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