24 January, 2018.

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Going to college today was honestly a waste  of time. The only reason I did go was for a test that I was fully prepared for. What happens instead? I get stuck in a revision lecture because "majority of the students" were clueless about the portion and the test doesn't end up happened. Great. Just great.

Honestly, the portion wasn't that difficult. People in my college are just super lazy to attend lectures and study things on their own. Plus they are too pampered to get revision lectures on the day of the exams, effectively cancelling the test. Which college does that?

Our professor had given us an assignment of explanation three indicator concepts. My group had already presented last week (which was the main offical week for presenting). Today some groups were finally ready with their presentations and guess who had to wait and watch them even though we were done long back and these were the defaulters?

Thankfully the lecture got over before it was meant to. But as soon as the class was dismissed for the day, the associate dean pushed us back into the room and scolded the professor for leaving us before time. Jesus woman, the man has nothing to teach us. Why are you making both of us suffer?

Since there was nothing to do, we were asked to fill survey sheets for each faculty. Even though I was very annoyed at this point, I decided to frankly and truthfully answer all the questions for each faculty.

Since the attendance of our foyer is too weak, some us got a prize for being regular and good students.... we are the official clappers. Apparently someone is going to come to college so we needed to be taught some manners. Let's not talk more about it.

While we were in the auditorium for the 'dry rehearsal', Ms. Paula came to us (Kristen, Paul, Prez and I) and told us that there is some urgent work to be done. There was some report that the junior VP was supposed to do but he had a family emergency and the work was left undone.

So my job was to decode things from a voice recording and get valuable points out of it. Someone desperately needs to come out with a 100% effective app that transforms such voice recording into actually sentences cause this shit difficult and hella time consuming!

Since this was a very short notice and we would have been chilling at home long back if we didn't get this work, Ms. Paula treated all of us to some instant noodles.

After that, we were done with the report but Paul wanted to sit with Ms. Paula and work on his CV so I waited for them to complete it. In the meantime, I got Ms. Paula's work that wasn't supposed to be done by me.

So here's the thing. Ms. Paula is a great mentor and a friend but there is one thing that kinda pisses me off about her. There are times where she dumps her personal work on us. It has nothing to do with the club and normally, this work is done by paid interns. I don't think she should do this but I don't have a heart to tell her this yet. I'll probably just try to find an excuse to not do such unnecessary work henceforth.

We finally got done by 7pm and went back home. Today's day was a bit bleh and it felt so long!

An Outlet: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now