hard » jinkook

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little!jungkook (mental age 3-4)//caregiver!jin

i know what you're all thinking and i want you to stop


"Daddy..." A small voice sobbed from the other end of the phone, and Seokjin immediately went into eomma mode.

"Baby, what happened?" He asked, sitting up at his desk and to attention.

"I need Daddy," Jungkook suddenly began crying and Seokjin stood up from his desk.

"Shh~ baby, Daddy's coming; try to be calm for me, ok?" He cooed while unlocking his car and throwing his phone down on the passenger's seat before climbing into the driver's seat. "Good boy, baby, well done."

Seokjin put his phone on loudspeaker and suddenly heard an agitated shout ring from the other end.

"Calm down, sweetheart - I'm on my way, princess, just sit tight," he kept saying little things like these while driving almost like a madman down the various streets leading to Jungkook's workplace.

Seokjin knew something bad must've happened if it caused Jungkook to fall into his little space at work, and something even worse if it made Jungkook call him. Jungkook never called Seokjin - ever - unless he desperately needed to, which made Seokjin feel even more worried about his boyfriend.

"Good boy, Kookie, Daddy's almost there," he praised through the phone and Seokjin knew Jungkook was calming down now. He wasn't crying anymore, just breathing very heavily.

Pulling up outside the younger's workplace, Seokjin picked up his phone from the passenger's seat and pressed the mic to his mouth.

"Baby, I'm outside - can you be a big boy and come outside for Daddy?" He asked and heard Jungkook whimper out a small 'yes' in reply. "Good boy, Jungkookie."

Jungkook climbed into the back of Seokjin's car and Seokjin immediately knew what that meant. Climbing into the backseat next to Jungkook, Seokjin grabbed a dummy and blanket that he kept under the seat in case of emergencies and held his arms out for Jungkook, who instantly collapsed onto his caregiver's chest, clinging to the fabric of the elder's shirt as he bawled his eyes out.

Seokjin draped the blanket over the two of them as Jungkook clawed at his shirt even more, trying to feel as much of Seokjin as he possibly could.

"Relax, baby, Daddy's not going anywhere," he reassured, kissing the top of his baby's head as he ran his hands through his hair and up and down his back. "Everything's ok, baby, you're ok."

"Is' too hard, Daddy!" Jungkook cried loudly, the sound breaking Seokjin's heart as he hugged the younger closer.

"I know, sweetheart, I know," Seokjin shushed gently. "You don't need to work anymore if you don't want to, baby."

"B-but then Daddy won't have enough money to s-support us a-and he'll always be tired because Jungkookie can't work and-" Jungkook began working himself up again and Seokjin silenced him with a quick kiss to his quivering lips.

"Baby boy, you're my main priority," he smled. "Anything you don't want to do, Daddy won't force you to do - that's not what Daddies do."

Jungkook whimpered a little, and Seokjin ran the backs of his fingers down the side of his face.

"Daddy only wants his baby boy to be happy - happy little Kookie, not sad little Kookie," he continued to coo into the younger's ear until Jungkook had finally calmed down fully.

"'M sorry, Daddy," he mumbled when he and Seokjin climbed back into the front seats.

"Don't apologise, angel, it's perfectly ok."


proofreading this, i actually squealed a little

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