clingy » vmin

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little!jimin (mental age 0-4)//caregiver!taehyung

i'm running out of cute jimin pictures help--


A hotel room really wasn't Taehyung nor Jimin's ideal place to be at the moment, but it would have to do. They were on tour after all, and Taehyung makes a mental reminder to himself to thank Hoseok for switching rooms for the night, and also makes sure he buys him something nice as a gift for putting up with Namjoon's snoring.

The reason they had switched rooms for the night was because Jimin was feeling clingy - plain and simple.

Of course, he saw Taehyung nearly every second of everyday, but he didn't see him.

He only saw the Taehyung that was hard working and busy, not the Taehyung that would cuddle Jimin until he fell asleep or kiss Jimin's lips until they were all red and swollen.

And Jimin missed his boyfriend.

Taehyung wasn't oblivious though - he knew Jimin missed him and still craved his attention. And Taehyung wasn't an asshole either. Which is why he practically begged Hoseok on his knees to let him stay with Jimin tonight.

And that's how they ended up under a pile of duvets and blankets, legs intertwined under the sheets and Taehyung's long arms wrapped around Jimin's shoulders and waist while Jimin rested his head on Taehyung's warm chest.

They were watching Netflix. Some dumb kids show Taehyung really had no interest in, but Jimin was feeling little and asked super politely to watch it; and how could Taehyung say no when his baby asked so nicely?

"I like Daddy," Jimin said happily, snuggling up further into Taehyung's chest, goosebumps rising on his skin from the cold air seeping into the warm fortress they had built themselves in.

"Hm," Taehyung hummed in content, leaning down to kiss the top of Jimin's head. "Daddy likes you too, baby boy."

When little, if Jimin said he 'liked' something or someone (the latter being only Taehyung), that really meant that he loved it (or Taehyung) endlessly and infinitely, with no hesitation. Jimin was always to shy to say 'I love you' to Taehyung, especially when he was little.

He had only just broken through that barrier in his big space, and the words still felt foreign on his tongue, which is why he always replaced the word 'love' with 'like'.

To an outsider, it may just seem as if Jimin doesn't really love Taehyung, just likes him, but Taehyung knows the truth. And that's why he plays along too.

"Daddy likes me?" Jimin asked curiously, raising his head full of orange hair from Taehyung's chest to look up at his boyfriend and caregiver.

"Of course, baby," Taehyung smiled sweetly down at his little. "To the moon and back."

Jimin beamed, his eyes crinkling under the pressure of his, ever-so-prominent, dimples, and buried his face back in Taehyung's chest out of embarrassment, giggling.

"Jiminie~" Taehyung sang, prompting the boy to look up at him again. "Give me a kiss, baby."

Jimin jumped at the opportunity, leaning closer to Taehyung and kissing him sweetly, blushing profusely when he pulled away.

"You're the cutest baby boy ever," Taehyung whispered, running his hands up and down Jimin's arms. "My baby boy."

"Daddy's," Jimin murmured into Taehyung's chest, lying so he was practically on top of Taehyung. "Like Daddy a lot."

And Taehyung couldn't help but smile. For a clingy Jimin was by far his favourite Jimin.


it's about time i wrote some damn fluff

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