strange » yoongi x reader

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little!yoongi (mental age 2-6)//caregiver!male!reader

something a little (ha) different here :)


"You're a caregiver?" Y/N's best friend asked, peering over his shoulder as he appeared to be texting someone under the name of 'little//baby boy'.

"Yes, and you shouldn't be reading other people's texts - it's rude," Y/N replied coolly, not bothering to switch his phone off or stop texting whoever this little was.

Granted, the two were supposed to be having a sleepover right now, and were in the middle of it when Yoongi texted Y/N.

little//baby boy

what's wrong, sweetheart?

little//baby boy
can't sleep :(
uncle hobi keeps snoring next door

do you have your stuffies, baby? and your paci?

little//baby boy
mhm, but it's not working
want daddy :'(

i know, baby, i know you do.
just try talking to your stuffies for a bit

little//baby boy
nunight, daddy

goodnight, poppet, love you loads xx

"Don't you think that's a little strange?" Y/N's best friend asked, this time causing the male to turn around and glare at them questioningly.

"No. What's strange about it?" He asked, and his best friend smirked.

"I mean, you're practically caring for a manchild; isn't that weird to you?" They asked, and Y/N frowned.

"Well done, Sherlock, its practically in the name: 'caregiver'," he rolled his eyes sarcastically. "And he's not a manchild, he's a little. Terminology."

"So, who's the lucky guy having you kiss his arse twenty-four seven?" Y/N's best friend teased, resting their elbow on the headrest of the couch Y/N was sitting on and smiling wistfully at him.

"It's not my place to tell you," Y/N snapped, turning back around to check his phone for any new messages from Yoongi. "And besides, it's the twenty-first century; people need to stop being so judgemental."

"Ah, so that's it," Y/N's best friend exhaled happily, standing up straight from the headrest. "I always knew you liked being called 'Daddy'."

"I'm leaving," Y/N suddenly stated, getting up from the couch and walking towards the front door, not waiting for a reply from his 'best friend' before he was gone, slamming the door behind him.

baby, are you still awake?

little//baby boy
mhm daddy. why?

i'm coming to get you, sweet.
get your things together and wait by the door for me

little//baby boy
why? did something happen, hyung?

Meno, baby, nothing happened.just make sure you're ready when i get there, ok? :)

Y/N noticed the change in Yoongi's use of language and felt an even bigger sense of urgency. He wanted to get there as fast as he could so he could take Yoongi home and coax him back into little space with a night full of cuddles and kisses and - like Y/N had told him - Yoongi was standing ready behind the front door for when he knocked lightly, answering almost immediately.

Y/N left a small note for Hoseok so the younger didn't start panicking when he went to wake Yoongi up only to find he wasn't there, thanking him for looking after Yoongi - despite the short time span.

The drive home was painfully silent and it made Yoongi want to pull his hair out. Once they arrived at their shared apartment, Yoongi finally took a leap of faith and decided to break the silence.

"Hyung, why did you come pick me up?" He asked, his voice low but wavering ever-so slightly, like he was trying to fight off the urge to go into little space and call him 'Daddy'.

The two stood still and silent for a few agonisingly long seconds before Y/N sighed, running a hand through his hair as he took a seat on the couch, beckoning Yoongi over to join him. The younger thought about sitting on Y/N's lap but decided against it.

"You know I love you, right?" Y/N began, knowing that using that as a first-sentence was a huge mistake once he saw Yoongi's eyes widen in horror.

"What did you do, Hyung?" The younger male asked quietly, almost in fear of the answer.

"Nothing, Yoongi - I didn't do anything, I promise," Y/N reassured, reaching up to cup his boyfriend's face softly as he stroked the pad of his thumb over the boy's cheekbone. "I just need to make sure you know I love you, more than anything."

Yoongi gulped and nodded. "I know; you tell me everyday."

"Good," Y/N smiled, noticing tears filling Yoongi's eyes at the panic and confusion on the situation. The hand on Yoongi's cheek reached round to the back of his head, pushing him closer to him so Y/N could rest his forehead against Yoongi's. "I'm glad you know - because I love you so much it hurts sometimes. Like, I can't sleep at night when you're not here because I can't stop thinking about how lucky I am to have you. My precious baby boy."

Yoongi sniffled, and Y/N knew he was fighting off the urge to slip into his headspace right then and there. But Y/N didn't want him to fight off anything, especially when he was around him.

"Feeling little, sweetheart?" He asked and Yoongi nodded. "You be little, baby. Daddy will take you up to bed."


angsty, i guess? wow i can't remember the last time i wrote angst

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