baby » vmin

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little!jimin (mental age 1-4)//caregiver!taehyung

i'm sorry i've sort of slipped (ha) out of my little tae phase and becoming addicted to little jimin oops.


Taehyung lay on the sofa of his and Jimin's apartment, feet dangling over the armrest of the medium sized item of furniture - which he really needed to replace some time soon - looking for something enjoyable to watch on Netflix.

He woke up quite early this morning - early being around 10 in the morning - and noticed Jimin still sleeping next to him. The thunder had kept both of them up for most of the night, Jimin being terrified of the damn thing and slipping into little space with the need for Taehyung to protect him - which he did.

Jimin fell asleep rather quickly in Taehyung's arms but it seemed he had suffered fatigue more than his caregiver and boyfriend, and Taehyung didn't mind at all.

It was roughly twelve when Jimin came padding out of the bedroom, brown teddy (who he had named 'Tissue' (Jimin said it was because he was soft and comforting)) in tow as blonde strands of his hair stuck up in all places.

Hearing the sticky sound of bare feet on laminate flooring, Taehyung hung his head over the opposite armrest to his feet, smiling when he saw Jimin's upside-down figure looking straight back at him.

"Morning, angel," Taehyung greeted, sitting upright and turning to face Jimin. "Sleep well, baby?"

Jimin didn't answer and instead opted for traipsing over to Taehyung and climbing on top of him, resting his head in the younger man's chest and cuddling up to him like a cat.

Taehyung beamed down at his baby boy and reached down to stroke his beautiful blonde hair, admiring how soft it was in his deft fingers.

"Someone's feeling cuddly today, aren't they, little one?" Taehyung asked rhetorically, and was surprised when he heard Jimin whine into his chest, then break out into full on sobs. "Hey, hey, baby - what's wrong?"

Taehyung patted Jimin's head and tried to scoot up the couch, but that only elicited a scream from Jimin which made Taehyung stop dead in his tracks as Jimin clung to his waist tighter.

"Shh, angel, it's ok. Daddy's not going anywhere, I promise," Taehyung hushed, deep voice soothing Jimin - albeit just a little. "Do you think you can let go of me for a minute, sweetheart?"

It took a while but Jimin did eventually loosen his grip on Taehyung's waist, allowing the younger man to sit upright on the couch and pull Jimin onto his lap so he was sitting upright also.

"Good boy, Jiminie, good boy!" Taehyung praised softly, using his thumb to wipe away the tears staining Jimin's chubby cheeks. "Can you tell Daddy what's wrong, peach?"

Jimin sniffled and pouted cutely, causing Taehyung to pinch his nose between his knuckles gently, urging him on. "Come on, honey, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"Daddy, Jungkookie wans chu," Jimin mumbled, and Taehyung leaned down to hear him better.

"What was that, cutie?" Taehyung asked and Jimin huffed.

"Jungkookie wans chu - he's jeawous," Jimin pouted so fiercely Taehyung found it adorable.

"And? What's your point, baby?" Taehyung asked, stroking that spot behind Jimin's ear that he knew he liked.

"What if Daddy wans him too?" Jimin looked up at Taehyung, with large teary eyes. "Dun' wanna lose Daddy."

"Baby..." Taehyung started, but the words got stuck in his throat. He was so shocked. "What makes you think I would ever replace or leave you, hm?"

"I see da way he wooks at chu when he comes woun', Daddy, and ish makin' me jeawous! Dun' wike it when chu give him attention," Jimin sniffled, and Taehyung wrapped his arms around him tighter.

"Jiminie, Jungkookie already has a caregiver. He's got Hobi, remember?" Taehyung said, and Jimin nodded. "And besides, even if Jungkookie did want me, I don't want Jungkookie."

Jimin looked up at Taehyung in confusion.

"Daddy wants his little Jiminie. His little Jiminie."


honestly me

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