help » yoonseok

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little!yoongi (mental age 2-3)//adult!hoseok

the sequel to 'homesick' that i wasn't expecting people to want


Yoongi stared down at his phone, biting his lip anxiously.

If he had his stuffie right now, he would be cuddling him close to his chest, but the problem was that he didn't have his stuffie.

And this was why he was currently staring at his phone screen, or more precisely, Hoseok's contact.

After their first meeting a few months back, the two had run into each other quiet often, and Hoseok had spent many of his nights looking after Yoongi when the older male needed it.

The redhead figured he should just give Yoongi his phone number, since he believed it would be much easier for Yoongi to just text him if he needed him rather than go on an adventure during the night to try and find him.

By now, Yoongi had become accustomed to Hoseok's timetable and vice versa, so he knew when the younger male was on duty, when he was in lessons, when his breaks were, and when he was - usually - asleep.

Truthfully, Yoongi had lost his stuffie a few days ago, but he didn't want to tell Hoseok about it because a.) the younger male was busy during those three days, and b.) Yoongi figured it was quite silly.

He'd chalked contacting Hoseok to only when it was an emergency, but this was an emergency. Yoongi lost his stuffie, and he really really needed him.

Yoongi put his phone down after that and crossed his legs

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Yoongi put his phone down after that and crossed his legs. The mattress beneath him really wasn't doing much to soothe him, despite how soft it was, and he really wanted his stuffie back.

He'd looked all over his room for him, even in the bathroom, but he just couldn't find him, and Yoongi hated to think what would happen if somebody else got their hands on him, or - even worse - found out it belonged to Yoongi and caused a fuss about it around campus.

A short knock on the door distracted Yoongi from his thoughts and he climbed off of the bed to timidly walk over to his door, checking through the peephole that it was indeed Hoseok before actually opening the door.

"Hi, honey," the redhead greeted cheerfully, ruffling the shorter male's hair.

"Hewwo..." Yoongi replied quietly, and Hoseok bent down slightly so that he was face to face with the little.

"Hey, don't worry, Yoonie, we'll find Mr. Giggles, ok?" He reassured, and Yoongi nodded before letting Hoseok in. "Did you check everywhere? Even the ceiling?"

Yoongi giggled, shaking his head.

"I can't check da ceiwing, 'M too showt, Hobi," he answered, and Hoseok cooed out loud, something Yoongi always liked.

"You're too cute!" He exclaimed, and Yoongi giggled again. "Did you check under the bed, baby?"

Yoongi looked up at Hoseok, not able to speak both from the new nickname and the realisation that he might have actually left Mr. Giggles under his bed after hiding there a few nights ago to avoid the thunderstorm that took place.

All of a sudden, he was on his knees, crawling towards his bed and ducking his head to look under the large item of furniture, sticking his hand out under the bed when he saw the faint outline of the stuffed bear.

"Silly boy!" Hoseok cooed once Yoongi had retrieved his stuffie and was cuddling it close to his chest. "Why was he under your bed, sweetie?"

"Dewe wus a stowm..." Yoongi answered slowly, and Hoseok could tell he was feeling littler.

The redhead sat down on Yoongi's bed and patted his lap, letting Yoongi crawl up onto his thighs with Mr. Giggles.

"Why didn't you tell Hobi about this storm, bub? He could have come over to help you," he asked softly, keeping his tone sweet to assure Yoongi that he wasn't in trouble.

"Hobi wus busy dat night," the black-haired male answered shyly, looking down at his bear's hat as opposed to Hoseok's face.

"Oh, darling, I wasn't busy all night," Hoseok explained. "And even if I was, you still should have texted me. You never know, I may have been able to help through messages."

"But dat would be bad 'cus Yoonie would be disuwbing Hobi," Yoongi tried to argue, but Hoseok shushed him.

"You never disturb me, baby, I promise. You're a good boy, Yoonie, and good boys always tell Hobi when something's wrong, don't they?" He asked, and Yoongi nodded.

"'M a good boy," he replied thoughtlessly, and Hoseok chuckled.

"Yes, you are, Yoonie," he assured, kissing Yoongi's temple.

The two stayed like that for ten more minutes, Hoseok mindlessly humming while Yoongi played with Mr. Giggles' ears, when Yoongi spoke up shyly.

"Will... Will Hobi stay for 'night?" The little asked, looking up at Hoseok with a light blush tinting his cheeks. "Pwease?"

Hoseok smiled down at the black-haired male.

"All you had to do was ask, love."


i'm not doing anymore parts of this, i already have too many ideas + other books to get through lmao

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