movie night » maknaes x hyungs

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little!maknae line//caregiver!hyungs

tae's mental age is 4-7 while kookie's is 0-3 and jimin's is 2-5 :)

i feel like updating again :)


A loud thud followed by a pitter patter of footsteps followed by a comfortable 'oomph' raised Seokjin's head from the stove to glance over the island and into the living room.

Taehyung's gaze met his, and the younger boy smiled widely and happily as he waved at the older, who waved back with a sweet smile on his face, assuming the boy was in little space.

"Yah, Taehyungie, how many times have I told you not to run?" Hoseok exclaimed as he too skidded into the living room on socks, receiving a quirked eyebrow from Seokjin.

"Sowwy, Hobi," Taehyung apologised, though he didn't look at all sorry.

Jimin came up behind Seokjin quietly after the latter had had enough of Taehyung and Hoseok's bickering, going back to preparing the meal in hand when he felt a small tug on the back of his t-shirt.

When he turned around, Jimin was standing there with his thumb in his mouth, eyes glossy with tears and cheeks red, and Seokjin turned off the stove momentarily to lean over to Jimin's height.

"What's the matter, Jiminie?" He asked softly, reaching up to grip Jimin's wrist gently and tug it down so he would be able to understand the younger.

"Can't find my dummy, eomma," he sulked, and Seokjin cooed, placing a hand in Jimin's hair and smoothing out the stray tufts.

"Don't cry, poppet, we'll find it," Seokjin smiled, standing up straight again and taking Jimin's hand in his. "Do you want me to get Daddy for you?"

Jimin nodded sadly, submitting to being dragged along the dorm with Seokjin in search for Yoongi, who Jimin liked to call 'Daddy'.

It was no surprise that little Jimin had a soft spot for the stubborn rapper, even though Yoongi wasn't really a big fan of the whole 'little space' idea. Despite this, he took a tolerable liking to Jimin as a little, as he was quiet and reserved.

Big Jimin was also like that most of the time, but little Jimin was just a Hell of a lot cuter, and Yoongi was a sucker for his manners and eye smiles whenever he was happy.

Knocking on the door of Yoongi's studio, the two heard a gruff 'come in' from the other side before Seokjin let the two of them in.

Seeing Yoongi hunched over his desk working prompted Jimin to hide behind Seokjin shyly, hands curling into fists in the back of the older male's t-shirt.

"Yoongi-ah, Jiminie's lost his dummy and needs help finding it," Seokjin briefly explained. "Hoseok is tending to Tae, Namjoon is with Jungkook and I'm cooking dinner; you think you can help him look for it?"

Yoongi swiveled around in his desk chair, took several glances from Seokjin to Jimin hiding behind his back and sighed.

"Yeah, sure, hyung," the rapper ran a hand through his hair and stood up stiffly, doing a few stretches before holding his hand out to Jimin. "Come on, baby, let's go find that dummy."

"Can't watch movies without it," Jimin clarified as he took Yoongi's - slightly larger - hand in his own.

"You're absolutely right, bubba," Yoongi nodded, noting how soft and supple Jimin's hands were compared to his. Yoongi had tough, dry skin, and his hands were no difference.

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