centre of attention » vmonseok

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little!taehyung (mental age 0-5)//caregivers!seokjin + namjoon

ok i tried to find a better ship name for this but i couldn't i'm sorry. this is sort of a continuation of 'studio', that yoonseok one i wrote like two chapters ago with a little yoongi but you don't actually have to read it to read this one (although that would be greatly appreciated if you did if you already haven't  :))

i don't want to make this author's note too long but i did make mentions of a little taehyung in that chapter, and Celelo_ftw guessed who his caregivers were so now this is a thing. and also, thank you to flightless-angel for giving me the idea to write tae in baby space for this one-shot.

ok, author's note over :)


Taehyung was very lucky in the sense that he - unlike Yoongi - had two caregivers who were actually happily married and had decided to adopt Taehyung into their relationship when they discovered that their best friend of many years was actually a little.

It was complicated to say the least; Taehyung wasn't actually married to either Namjoon or Seokjin (as polygamy was illegal where they lived) but he considered both of them to be his boyfriends and the two elders both considered Taehyung to be their baby/boyfriend/undercover husband almost.

Sometimes, it confused Taehyung how the three of them ended up like this, but Namjoon and Seokjin were already married when they'd decided to let Taehyung into their relationship and the latter wasn't really very comfortable at first. He thought he was ruining Namjoon and Seokjin's marriage for them, but in reality he was just making it a Hell of a lot better.

Once Taehyung was able to come out of his shell comfortably, there was no stopping him from being in his little space nearly all the time - which was perfectly fine. It wasn't like he went anywhere anyway, and he worked with Seokjin at the local nursery when he was able to (in other words, when he wasn't little).

But even when he was little and still went to work anyway, the kids were so small and clueless to what being a little even was that they just deemed Taehyung really good at playing with them - which he was.

However, along with having two great caregivers also came the risk of being spoilt and turning out to be a bratty little, which Taehyung wasn't exactly.

Sure, Namjoon liked to spoil him from time-to-time (which Seokjin always scolded him for) but he definitely wasn't a brat. Taehyung was just extremely mischievous and just about got away with everything on the days where Taehyung was too little to go into work, where Namjoon had to work at home and was left with the task of looking after Taehyung on his own.

The elder had always been a sucker for Taehyung's wide, boxy smile and mesmerising brown eyes.

But, today was a Saturday, which meant that neither Namjoon or Seokjin had to work, and Taehyung was already one step ahead of them, waking up feeling extra little that day.

The youngest of the trio just about managed to get out of bed on his own, standing in the middle of his bedroom for a good few minutes before deciding to drop to his knees and crawl to his caregivers' bedroom, as he normally did favour crawling over walking on days where he was in his baby space.

Dummy lodged in his mouth and bangs hanging partially over his face, Taehyung began to aimlessly crawl his way into Seokjin and Namjoon's bedroom, sitting on his hands and knees at the door when he got there.

He didn't know what the time was, but sunlight was shining through the curtains the couple kept closed during the night and that was what prompted Taehyung to continue crawling until he reached the side of the bed where Namjoon slept.

For a few minutes, the little just sat there, staring passively at Namjoon's sleeping face while sucking on his dummy until he reached out and poked one of the man's dimples that rest on his face while he was sleeping.

Namjoon stirred but didn't wake out, and that led Taehyung to let out a loud whine that soon turned into a cry at the lack of attention he was receiving from his appa.

"Namjoon, what did you do?" Seokjin asked groggily as he got up out of bed slowly, making his way over to Taehyung, who was sitting on his knees with his face red as he cried, dummy abandoned on the carpet in below him as he breathed in deeply through his mouth just to begin crying again.

"What? I didn't do anything!" Namjoon replied exasperatedly, sitting up in bed just above where Seokjin and Taehyung were cuddling on the floor.

"Aww, it's ok, baby," Seokjin cooed, pressing Taehyung's head into his chest softly as he carded his long, slender fingers through the little's hair. "Appa is just a big meanie."

Seokjin made sure to shoot Namjoon a glare at the last sentence, and continued to rock Taehyung in his lap until the boy calmed down a bit more and made grabby hands for Namjoon, who was still sitting on the bed.

Namjoon grinned. "This baby boy is hungry for attention today, isn't he?" He asked rhetorically, leaning down to lift Taehyung up onto his lap before pressing a kiss to his temple and also rocking him back and forth in his lap.

"I guess he's feeling extra little today," Seokjin said out loud as he stood on his knees and dusted off Taehyung's dummy against his nightshirt before popping it back into the boy's mouth.

"That's bad, right?" Namjoon asked, and Seokjin tilted his head to the side, making a face that said he wasn't really sure.

"Not necessarily," he answered, standing up to join his two boys on the bed. "It just means he's more stressed than usual. We'll have to ask him what's going on when he's in big space and - hopefully - get him to tell us."

Namjoon nodded in understanding before Taehyung reached up and took his dummy out of his mouth to speak.

"Eomma," he whined slightly, now making grabby hands at Seokjin. "Eomma."

Seokjin smiled sweetly as he lifted Taehyung onto his lap and rubbed his outer thigh softly as an act of reassurance.

"Yes, my sweet little prince?" Seokjin replied, making a point of kissing the crown of Taehyung's head after speaking.

"Hungry," Taehyung mumbled, and Seokjin smiled again before standing up with Taehyung still on his hip.

"Then how about we get you some brekkie, love?" Seokjin suggested. "Little princes need to eat otherwise they won't grow big and strong and won't be able to save their princesses from the big, nasty monsters, will they?" Taehyung shook his head. "Which princess are you going to save, sweetheart?"

Seokjin expected him to say Cinderella or Belle or maybe an actual princess, but his real reply made the older male both laugh and smile.

"Gonna save Eomma. From Appa-monster," the little replied quietly, and Seokjin smiled so damn wide at that that he couldn't help but pressing a sweet kiss to Taehyung's lips.

"Is that so, baby?" He asked and Taehyung nodded. "Well, thank you, TaeTae."

"Hey, I heard that!" Came Namjoon's shrill reply.


ok i looked it up, apparently the official ship name is 3kim.

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