comfortable » taekook

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little!jungkook (mental age 0-2)//caregiver!taehyung

despite being an avid supporter of little tae i also think caregiver tae is soft too


Nothing was ever awkward between Jungkook and Taehyung. Emotions between the two could be portrayed through just actions, and no silence that the couple fell into was ever uncomfortable.

Over the years, Jungkook had found solace in regressing back to the mental age of a small child, and Taehyung saw no problem with him doing so. It wasn't harming anybody, and if it made Jungkook happy then it made Taehyung even happier.

At first, it was a little bit difficult for Taehyung to familiarise himself with little space and what Jungkook would need while he was in his headspace and how to properly treat/address him, etc.

And what with Jungkook's mental age being so young, Taehyung knew there was a lot he had to figure out and work on if he was going to be the caregiver that Jungkook needed and deserved.

But after three years, the whole caregiver role just came naturally to Taehyung. He even babied Jungkook when he was big sometimes purely out of habit. Not that Jungkook minded, he loved when Taehyung treated him like he was the only thing that mattered in the world, which he was in Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung had become such an amazing caregiver that he could tell what Jungkook wanted just by looking at him most of the time, and no request or job was ever too taxing for the older male. If Jungkook was hungry, Taehyung would make him some food. If Jungkook needed changing, Taehyung would change him. If Jungkook was sad and needed cuddles, then he would get cuddles.

Nothing Jungkook ever asked for was too much to Taehyung, and he was willing to sacrifice everything he had just to see Jungkook smile. That's how much he loved him.


It was just like any other ordinary day in the Jeon-Kim household; Taehyung had work to do and Jungkook was silently playing by himself in the living room while Taehyung was held up in the bedroom slaving away on his laptop.

He didn't even hear when the door opened slightly, and only tore his attention away from his laptop screen when he heard the pattering of socked feet on the laminate flooring behind him.

"Hi, darling," he said as he swiveled around in his desk chair so he was facing Jungkook, smiling at his baby boy, who was nervously playing with the hem of his green sweater. "What's wrong, angel?"

"Nothin', Daddy, I jus'..." Jungkook paused, looking up at Taehyung briefly before he looked back down at the floor.

Taehyung shuffled forward in his chair and placed his hands on Jungkook's hips, pulling the younger male onto his lap and stroking his bare thighs reassuringly.

"Tell Daddy what's wrong, baby," Taehyung pressed a kiss to Jungkook's temple as he softly gripped Jungkook's hands in his to stop him from fiddling with his sweater. "He's all ears."

Jungkook didn't really know how to voice what he wanted, hoped that Taehyung would just know like he always did. Granted, nothing was really wrong, Jungkook just found himself in a low all of a sudden while playing, and Taehyung always seemed to know what to do when that happened.

"Low, Daddy," Jungkook mumbled and Taehyung cooed, wrapping both arms around Jungkook's small waist as he pulled him closer to his chest.

"Good boy, Jungkookie," Taehyung whispered. "Daddy's so proud of you for telling him what was wrong, baby boy. You did so well."

Taehyung had managed to stand up with Jungkook in his arms, peppering kisses to his baby's face as he sat the both of them down on the bed, Jungkook sitting in Taehyung's lap as the eldest of the two rocked them back and forth.

"Comfortable, beautiful?" Taehyung asked softly and Jungkook nodded into Taehyung's chest sleepily.

"'M sowwy for disuwbin' Daddy while he wus workin'," Jungkook mumbled and Taehyung chuckled.

"Nonsense, baby," Taehyung kisses Jungkook's forehead as he stroke his hair reassuringly. "You're way more important than my work and if my little prince is feeling low then Daddy has to do something about that, doesn't he, prince?"

Jungkook nodded passively and Taehyung smiled down at the boy.

"I love you, baby boy."


i'm really sorry about not updating last week and being really depressing and attention seeking on my profile. i'm trying to be positive but my mental health is just crumbling and my way of coping with things is just to shut everyone and everything out and it's not really fair on you guys, the people who have supported me through so much and you guys are always so patient and understanding that it makes me feel so shitty when i don't update or reply to your comments like you guys deserve. maybe next week or the week after i'll come out about what's really been going on because you guys deserve a explanation more than anything.

i love you guys 💗

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