mornings » tae x bts

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little!taehyung (mental age 1-5)//caregivers!bts

i was watching a cute taetae compilation on youtube and seeing tae in his dungarees and yellow jumper in that 'go go' perfomance, i was inspired to write this.


Jungkook could tell whether Taehyung was little from the way he slept when we was, compared to the way he slept when he was big.

When Taehyung was big, he slept on his stomach, arms and legs sprawled out on the mattress beneath him and mouth open as he snored. But when Taehyung was little, he slept quietly and almost timidly. He was always curled up on his side, mouth open but only to drool occasionally.

And that's why Jungkook was always on 'wake-up duty' on Bangtan's days off. If Taehyung was little, he would wake him up so Jimin could get him bathed and dressed and ready for a day of either fun out somewhere or endless cuddles at home. But if he was big, Jungkook would just leave him to his sleep, as Taehyung was beginning to work a lot harder for this comeback, and the youngest knew he needed his sleep and time to recover.

The reason why he woke Tae up if he was little was because Taehyung always craved attention when he was little. He would normally wake up himself if he hadn't been woken up by someone, and he would always be upset because he would feel as if the others had forgotten about him. So it wasn't cruel for Jungkook to wake Tae up, just clever.

When he walked into Taehyung's bedroom this morning, Jungkook smiled when he saw the male sleeping on his side peacefully.

"Tae, baby," Jungkook said softly, sitting on the bed next to his sleeping figure, reaching an arm out to shake his shoulder. "Come on, sugar, wake up."

"Mm, Jungkookie," Taehyung groaned, his eyes fluttering open slowly as he squinted at Jungkook.

"Good morning, baby," Jungkook smiled warmly down at the male, stroking his ash grey hair, where brown strands were beginning to grow back out from the roots.

"Mornin," Taehyung replied sleepily, sitting up and rubbing his eyes before making grabby hands at Jungkook. "Cawwy, pwease."

"Of course, sweetheart," Jungkook said, picking Taehyung up from his underarms and hoisting him up onto his hip, feeling the goosebumps arise from the male's bare thighs. "Cold, baby?" He asked, rubbing his warm palm against Taehyung's thigh in hopes of warming him up a little bit. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea for Taehyung to go to bed in boxers and a hoodie last night.

Taehyung didn't reply, and instead opted for burying his face in the crook of Jungkook's shoulder while he wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Don't fall asleep again, honey; Seokjin's making waffles for breakfast."

At the mention of waffles, Taehyung lifted his head from Jungkook's neck as his stomach rumbled.

"Good boy, Taehyung."

Jungkook carried Taehyung into the dining room, greeting his hyungs as he settled Taehyung down into his high chair and strapped him in with no resistance from Taehyung.

"Morning, TaeTae," Hoseok greeted the sleepy Taehyung with a smile.

"Mornin, Hobi," Taehyung replied drowsily, and everyone cooed at how cute he was.

Breakfast was served within a matter of minutes, with Jimin and Yoongi sitting either side of Taehyung at the table, and Yoongi helping Taehyung cut his waffles into little squares while Jimin fed them to him.

"I think it's this little boy's time for a bath, don't you, TaeTae?" Jimin asked rhetorically, picking Taehyung up from his high chair and onto his hip.

"Yes pwease, Jiminie," he mumbled, and Jimin kissed Taehyung's temple.

"Say bye bye to the others, then, baby," Jimin turned around so Taehyung could see the other members and he waved at them all tiredly.

"We can play when you're finished, baby boy!" Hoseok called out as Jimin turned around to leave for the bathroom with Taehyung but the little was already asleep against Jimin's shoulder again.

Bath time was so easy for Jimin today, that he actually felt like kissing Jungkook in thanks for waking Tae up so early.

However, the splash of cold water at the beginning of the bath seemed to wake Taehyung up a bit more so he wouldn't be lifeless and unresponsive all day.

"Good boy, Tae! You were so good during bath time that I think Hobi wants to reward you with playtime!" Jimin praised, and Taehyung beamed under his praise.

"Pwaytime!" Taehyung giggled, bouncing up on down on Jimin's hip as the older struggled to get him dried.

"That's right, baby!" Jimin replied, smiling at Taehyung. "Come on, I think Jinnie's picked out an outfit for you to wear today!"

"Jinnie always picks out da best stuff to wear!" Taehyung exclaimed happily as Jimin helped him into his boxers.

"Go on, then, baby, he should be in your room," the elder grinned as he patted Taehyung's bottom, and the little giggled.

"Tank ou for bath time, Jiminie!" He smiled at his hyung before running off down the hall to his bedroom.

"Woah, slow down there, baby!" Seokjin chuckled as Taehyung nearly ran straight into the wall, underestimating how big his room really was.

"Heehee sowwy, Jinnie," he apologised cutely, and Seokjin spread his arms for Taehyung to hug him.

"Someone's woken up a bit more, haven't they? And you're as clean as a whistle now, darling!" Seokjin gasped, standing up from the bed to grab the yellow sweater he had for Taehyung that was strewn over the armchair in the corner of the room.

"Jiminie did bath time weally well!" Taehyung exclaimed, and Seokjin felt himself smile at the little's cuteness.

"Arms up, baby," he instructed softly, and Taehyung did as he was told, letting Seokjin slip the oversized sweater over his head. "Good boy!"

Taehyung spotted the pair of dungarees on the chair also, and his lips formed into a small pout which Seokjin didn't fail to notice.

"What's the matter, prince?" He asked softly, and Taehyung looked up at him.

"Jinnie, can I jus wear dis jumpew? Ish so soft an' warm!" Taehyung pleaded with his infamous puppy-dog eyes, and Seokjin could never say no to Taehyung - especially when he was being so good today.

"Alright, baby, I'll let you this time," the elder ruffled his dongsaeng's hair, causing Taehyung to smile widely.

"Tank ou, Jinnie!" He squealed, and Seokjin chuckled himself at how cheerful the boy was.

"Taehyungie~!" A familiar voice rang from in the living room, and Taehyung gasped at the remembrance of playtime that Hoseok had promised him.

"Go play with Hobi, sweetheart. You deserve it."


half of this didn't even make sense lmao.

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