first impressions » yoonmin x reader

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little!reader (mental age 0-2)//caregivers!yoongi + jimin

thank you for the request samyluv12378! also someone better give me a medal for these terrible titles.

also also i changed a few things in the request purely because i'm dumb and even after reading the request like ten million times, some parts of it still didn't make sense to me so i hope you don't mind!


When your best friend dragged you out to the first party you've been to in - probably - years, the last thing you'd expect it to be was a CG/L party.

It led you to conjure up many, many questions in your head. Questions like: how did your best friend even know about CG/L relationships? Were they a little or a caregiver themselves? Did they know you were a little? Oh boy.

"(friend's name), why are we here?" You asked anxiously, trying your absolute hardest to ignore the littles sitting around on the floor with their caregivers, being all happy and sweet. It painfully reminded you of the fact that you still didn't have a caregiver of your own.

"You remember my friends Yoongi-hyung and Jimin-hyung, right?" Your best friend asked over their shoulder and you half nodded, half shook your head.

"Sort of?" You replied, feeling sweat bead at your forehead from the immense effort and strain it took for you to remain big right now.

"Well this is their party; they invited me and I thought since you haven't left the dorm in like ten years, this would do you some good," they answered your original question and you frowned at the last remark. "Ooh, there's Seokjin; I'll be right back, Y/N."

And just like that, your best friend left you to stand alone in the corner of what you presumed to be the living room, which was also where literally all of the littles in the neighbourhood had gathered at the moment, and you felt your last shred of humanity being forcefully ripped from you as you sank to the floor and subconsciously lodged your thumb in your mouth.

You went unnoticed for a few minutes until a boy with silky looking brown hair and chocolate coloured eyes crawled into the room, two other men (you knew they weren't littles, they looked more like caregivers than anything) following him.

You watched as the boy sat up on his knees and pointed at you, looking up and over his shoulder at the two men behind him. One of them - the one with black hair and chubby cheeks - bent down and ruffled the boy's hair while the other man - this time with blonde hair and cat-like eyes - said something to the boy that you didn't hear before the two men approached you.

Scared, you tried to back yourself away from the men, which proved to be difficult for you since you were sitting in the corner of the room.

"Hey, don't be scared. It's alright," the black-haired male reassured, sensing your fear. His voice was higher in pitch than you'd expected. "We're not going to hurt you, little one."

The two men knelt down in front of you, leaving you some personal space of your own so you would feel more comfortable.

"Where's your caregiver, honey?" The other man asked, his voice a lot deeper than you'd expected it to be.

You stared at the two men before mumbling behind your thumb, "Don't have one."

The two men's eyes widened in surprise as they shared a glance that seemed to be worth a whole conversation and a half.

"Well, I'm Yoongi and this is my boyfriend, Jimin," the blonde male introduced himself and pointed over to the male next to him, who smiled sweetly. "We know this is very sudden, sweetie, but we've been looking for a baby girl ourselves for quite some time now and seeing as you don't have a caregiver..."

You knew where this was going, and you also knew that Yoongi and Jimin were your best friend's friends, and they wouldn't have complete assholes for friends - you being the exception.

"What we're trying to say, love, is we were wondering if you wanted to be our baby girl?" Jimin finished off for Yoongi, who nodded his agreement to Jimins statement.

You stared at the men for a few seconds more before nodding and letting your thumb fall from your mouth as you made grabby hands for the two men. Jimin smiled and leaned forward, standing up before he bent down to pick you up, Yoongi standing up alongside him and stroking your hair.

Your mouth now empty, you ducked your head down and began sucking on the fabric of Jimin's t-shirt, and Yoongi smiled before reaching over for the jar of dummies on the table.

"Honey, look," Jimin whispered, and you looked up at the pink dummy Yoongi was holding out for you, leaning forward to take it into your mouth and suck happily on it. "So cute."

"What's your name, sweetheart?" Yoongi asked, leaning forward so he could hear you mumble your name behind your dummy. "That's such a pretty name!"

You giggled and reached for Yoongi with one hand, placing it square on his chest.

"Daddy," you stated, drawing your hand away and turning to look at Jimin. "Dada."

The two men cooed at your adorableness as Jimin pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Daddy and Dada it is then, baby."


oof i just oofed everywhere. don't take that out of context i'm bored

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