fridays » yoongi x bts

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little!yoongi (mental age 0-3)//caregivers!bts

something a little different (i hope)


Sometimes Yoongi wondered why he thought living in a house with six other guys would ever be a good idea.

Sure, it worked in his favour when it came to paying bills - since the seven of them just split them up evenly - but he'd never expected all six of them to be so...clingy. Ok, maybe not all six of them (Seokjin, Namjoon and Jungkook were the only exceptions) but Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok obviously liked Yoongi more than he liked them.

But, looking back on that day three years ago when he first moved in, Yoongi was actually so glad he decided to take up on that opportunity to join the six boys, because now he was a lot happier than he had ever been in his life.

Throughout high school and college, Yoongi had always had to keep his sexuality and tendencies to go into little space secret, obviously because people in that area of Daegu were extremely judgemental, and Yoongi had never met anybody as understanding and supportive as the six men he now lived with.

But when he moved in, it took him all about ten minutes to work out they were all extremely gay, and he actually felt relieved, albeit slightly annoyed when he was able to hear Taehyung and Jimin making out through his fucking walls.

However, that was three years ago, and now Yoongi couldn't see himself living with anybody else, let alone having one - or even six - different caregivers who loved little Yoongi just as much as they loved big Yoongi.

At this point, all seven of them were just dating each other, and Yoongi did find it strange at first, but he grew to absolutely adore all the attention he received when he was little.

He'd also grown to learn that Fridays were a sacred day in the week, and not only because it meant the end of the working week, but because Fridays - without fail - were the days where, after work and school in Jungkook's case, all seven men would curl up on a few couches or even on the floor and watch movies and talk until they couldn't stay awake.

Yoongi also never really had much time to regress during the week, so he often saw Fridays as a reward for him, where he was able to be little and be babied and coddled by the men he loved the most.


"Baaaaaaa!" Yoongi suddenly babbled from Taehyung's lap, and all six men's heads whipped around to look at the little who was playing happily with Taehyung's fingers.

The room was silent beforehand, save from the movie playing in the background, and Yoongi had been content watching it aimlessly for a while even if he didn't understand what was going on.

With Namjoon and Seokjin taking up one couch, Hoseok and Jimin taking up another, Jungkook opting to sit in the armchair alone and Taehyung and Yoongi on the floor, they all considered it a very cozy night in.

Earlier in the day, Hoseok had dressed Yoongi in one of those full-body onesies with the socks attached and the white material of the clothing went so well with the boy's blonde - almost white - hair that Hoseok just wanted to cuddle him close forever.

But Yoongi was in a Taehyung mood today, running over to the younger man as soon as he got home from work, and Taehyung loved it.

Even now, Taehyung was sitting on the living room floor with Yoongi between his legs, keeping an eye on the little to make sure he didn't accidentally hurt himself.

"What was that, bubby?" Seokjin asked, and Yoongi giggled.

"Baba!" He exclaimed, and Jimin cooed out loud.

'Baba' was Yoongi's nickname for Taehyung, and hearing the little say it never failed to bring a smile to Taehyung's lips.

"Baba's right behind you, baby," Jungkook spoke up, pointing to Taehyung behind Yoongi. "Look!"

Yoongi followed where Jungkook was pointing, and his face lit up when he saw Taehyung.

"Baba!" He squealed, almost like he had forgotten Taehyung was there, clapping his hands when Taehyung blew him a kiss.

"I think our baby is getting restless," Namjoon stated, reaching over Seokjin's body to grab the TV remote so he could turn off the TV.

It had been a while since Yoongi had received some real attention from his caregivers, anyway, and they all had really missed little Yoongi this week.

Hoseok reached into the pocket of his hoodie when Yoongi began to suck and nibble on Taehyung's fingers, even though the younger was showing no signs of discomfort, the six of them were still trying to encourage Yoongi to use his dummy instead of people's hands, as that was more hygienic.

"No, no, baby. We use dummies, remember?" The redhead said softly, handing Taehyung the dummy, who easily slotted it past Yoongi's thin lips. "Good boy!"

Yoongi giggled under the praise, sitting up on his knees and crawling over to Jimin, who smiled widely at the happy look on his baby's face.

"Hi, baby," he said softly, leaning down off of the sofa so he could press a kiss to the little's pale forehead. "Do you want to come and lie with me and Daddy?"

Yoongi nodded happily, making grabby hands at Jimin, who - albeit with great difficulty - managed to hoist the little up into his lap, who just smiled contentedly.

"Look at how cute our baby is!" Seokjin cooed, untangling himself from Namjoon's grip to kneel in front of the sofa where Hoseok, Jimin and Yoongi were.

Namjoon joined soon after, Taehyung only having to shuffle forward on his butt a little until he was there also, and Jungkook moving to sit next to him.

"Appa! Appa!" Yoongi squealed, leaning forward in Jimin's lap to hug Namjoon, who awkwardly hugged his baby boy back.

The seven of them didn't get to do this very often, just sit and look after Yoongi, and it honestly was a huge stress reliever for the six caregivers when Yoongi behaved himself.

"Does Daddy not get any love, baby?" Hoseok pouted from next to Jimin, and Yoongi giggled as he crawled from Jimin's lap to Hoseok's, sitting himself down on top of him and taking out his dummy so he could give Hoseok a little peck. "Give Dada a kiss too, baby."

Hoseok nodded towards Jimin, and Yoongi turned around to kiss Jimin too, who ruffled his hair afterwards before turning to Jungkook.

"Oppa!" He squealed, and Jungkook smiled up at the boy on the couch, although he was quickly sliding off of the couch to sit with Jungkook, falling on top of him and giggling like crazy when the youngest started to tickle him.

All in all, Fridays were definitely the group's favourite day of the week.

ok so all of the spaces in the stray kids rp are taken! thank you guys for taking part!

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