eomma's bed » seokjin x reader

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little!seokjin (mental age 3-7)//caregiver!reader

this one is really bad so don't expect too much lol


Being the girlfriend and caregiver of Kim Seokjin was a lot of hard work in itself, but Seokjin tried to make the experience as non-stressful as possible for Y/N.

Granted, trying to keep himself out of little space nearly all day everyday was more stressful for Seokjin than his job and he often passed out from stress at least once or twice everyday. And Y/N had told him Seokjin plenty of times to just be himself at home because she loved him whether he was in big space or little space.

But Seokjin saw the amount of work and responsibility Y/N was taxing herself with, and he wanted to help. He wasn't like one of those spoilt littles who thought they deserved all the attention in the world - he did have a functional adult working mind most of the time.

Seokjin had even began sleeping in his own room at night as opposed to the room the two young adults shared just so he could feel comfortable in his room slipping into little space if he did.

And Y/N didn't try to stop him, as Seokjin's comfort and happiness always came first in her books. But the bed did feel noticeably colder and less safe without Seokjin clinging to her hips all night, and one day, the little woke up in his room in little space, with no one sleeping next to him, and the boy went into panic mode.

He started wailing as he sat up in the darkness, which scared the living crap out of Y/N for one, but also made her smile as it finally gave her a chance to go into 'Eomma mode', as Namjoon would often call it.

Practically jumping out of bed, Y/N sped down the hallway to Seokjin's room, opening the door ajar to see her little sitting up in his bed, crying his eyes out.

"Hey, pumpkin," she said softly, stepping into the bedroom and smiling at Seokjin. "Did you have a bad dream?"

Seokjin shook his head, holding his Mario plushie out to Y/N.

"I wanna sleep with Eomma."

And that was all Y/N needed to take Seokjin by the hand, leading him out of his pastel decorated bedroom and to the room that had long been shared by the two.

"Go to sleep, baby, Eomma's right here," she whispered into Seokjin's soft brown hair, slowly helping him fall asleep before pressing one last kiss to his forehead and falling asleep aswell.


sorry for the mess

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