duties » namjinkook

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little!jungkook (mental age 0-1)//caregivers!seokjin + namjoon

oh yes, i'm going there


Loud cries echoed throughout the house and both men groaned simultaneously, breaking away from eachother so they could sit up in their bed.

"Whose turn is it?" Seokjin mumbled, ruffling his own messy hair into a heap of light brown on his head.

"Yours, I think?" Namjoon replied, voice thick and deep with sleep. (Something Seokjin would normally jump all over if it weren't three in the freaking morning). "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, I'm on it," Seokjin yawned, climbing out of the double bed and making his way to Jungkook's room, stumbling like a drunk man in the darkness along the way.

Opening the door, the dim light from the small nightlight plugged into the wall cast a little shadow upon the crib in the corner of the room, but Seokjin could still clearly see his little Jungkook standing up in the crib, holding onto the sides as he cried his eyes out.

The sight alone was enough to shake the tiredness Seokjin felt before completely dismantling it and replacing the feeling with pure worry.

"Oh, baby," Seokjin cooed, striding over towards the man-sized crib and struggling to lift Jungkook out of it, but nevertheless managing to do so. Cuddling the boy's head into his chest, Seokjin slowly began to rock the two of them back and forth while standing, other hand resting on Jungkook's bottom to keep him up. "Don't cry, baby, Daddy's here."

Seokjin began peppering kisses to the top of Jungkook's head, eyes catching a glimpe of the time on the Adventure Time digital clock Jungkook had in his room, and the older male just wanted to crawl back into his warm bed with Namjoon and sleep, but he couldn't right now.

"Shh, shh, shh..." He shushed, stepping out of the bedroom and making his way to the bathroom.

Seokjin laid Jungkook down on the baby mat he and Namjoon had bought from a store especially for littles in the next town over, unclipping the little's onesie as he wriggled around on the mat beneath him.

In an attempt to calm him down, Seokjin pressed a kiss to each sliver of bare skin that revealed itself as he unclipped each button, and Jungkook was gurgling happily by the time Seokjin had unclipped all of his buttons.

"There's my happy little boy," Seokjin keened at the sight of Jungkook's little bunny smile and leaned down to press a kiss to his nose as he gently pulled down the pull-up nappy Jungkook was wearing to check if the reason for this earleir crying was because of a little accident. "Did you have an accident, bunny?"

Seokjin nearly sighed in relief when he saw no mess in Jungkook's nappy and pulled the item of clothing back up his slim hips, pinging the waistband against his skin playfully before beginning to do up Jungkook's onesie.

"Are you hungry, angel? Is that why you were sad?" Seokjin asked, and Jungkook made grabby hands at the older male. "Alright, baby, let's get you some milk, yeah?"

Picking up Jungkook from the mat, Seokjin passed the bedroom not long before Namjoon called out to him.

"Everything ok?" His voice sounded from the darkness of the bedroom, and Jungkook's head immediately whipped towards the direction of which the voice had come from, whining and bouncing on Seokjin's hip as he now made grabby hands for Namjoon.

"Honey, I think he wants you," Seokjin thought aloud, turning on the bedroom light and watching almost in slow motion as Jungkook began crying again, this time really trying to reach Namjoon. "Jungkook, sweetheart, it's ok. Dada's not going anywhere."

Namjoon sat up in the bed and smiled sadly at Jungkook, shuffling forward to the middle of the bed and holding his arms out for Jungkook, answering a worried look from Seokjin with a smile of his own.

"Joonie, today is my turn to sort out Jungkookie; are you sure you're ok with this?" The older of the two asked as he hesitantly handed Jungkook over to the rapper.

"Baby, if you didn't give him to me, you'd be up for hours. Now come and lie down and go back to sleep," Namjoon reassured, tugging Seokjin onto the bed with his free hand.

With Seokjin now comfortable, laying on his side with his elbow propped up on the mattress and head resting in his hand, Namjoon was finally able to divert his attention to the needy baby in his lap.

"Heya, darling," he cooed softly, the sound of his voice coming out so soft making Seokjin close his eyes and sigh in content. "Did you miss me, baby boy?"

Jungkook - too deep in his headspace to talk - simply leaned forward and rested his head on Namjoon's chest, ear above his heart as to hear the older male's heartbeat.

Seokjin reached over and began to rub soothing circles into Jungkook's back as Namjoon stroked the little's hair.

"He's been doing this a lot, huh?" Seokjin said after a few mintues of comfortable silence.

"Doing what?" Namjoon asked, looking over at his boyfriend.

"Falling deeper into his headspace," Seokjin replied, and Namjoon looked down at the baby curled up in his lap before looking back at his boyfriend.

"He told us when he first admitted to being a little that his age ranged from zero to one, so of course he'd be acting a bit more bratty," Namjoon suggested but Seokjin shook his head.

"No, it's not that," he inerjected. "I think right now he's somewhere around the four to five month range."

"Is that bad?" Namjoon asked, worry clear in his voice.

"No, of course not. It is in his age range after all," Seokjin reassured. "I just think we need to ask him what he wants us to do when that happens, because all he does when he's feeling littler is cry and it honestly makes me feel like I'm not doing a good job as his caregiver--"

"Honey, stop talking like that," Namjoon interrupted softly, turning to look at Seokjin's stressed out face. "You're a great caregiver and an even better boyfriend. There are two of us here so you'll never be tasked with all the work, and even Jungkook's said it himself when he's in big space: you're doing a great job, Seokjin, so stop worrying."

At the end of his mini speech, Namjoon leaned down to kiss Seokjin's puffy lips before pulling away and smiling down at the older male before looking down at Jungkook, who was now fast asleep.

"I'll go put him back to bed," Namjoon started to move out of the double bed but Seokjin stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Let him stay here tonight," he said, laying on his back again. "Poor baby is probably just feeling left out."

And Namjoon couldn't ignore the little pout on his adorable boyfriend's face and he leant down to kiss it before laying Jungkook down on the mattress and letting Seokjin pull the covers up over his little body.

Namjoon watched for a little longer as Seokjin stroked Jungkook's hair some more and whispered sweet nothings to the boy, kissing him on the forehead one last time before finally settling down on his side of the bed.

"Goodnight, Namjoon-ah," he sighed contently as his eyes closed on their own.

"Goodnight, Seokjin-hyung. I love you."


i'm tired

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