bullies » vhope

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child!taehyung (4-5)//adult!hoseok

i'm sorry for all the taehyung-shots, he's just too precious


Hoseok knew something was wrong with Taehyung.

The younger boy had recently started his first year at primary school, and throughout the first week of 'big school' (as Taehyung liked to call it), Taehyung always had amazing and funny stories to tell Hoseok, but recently, when Hoseok went to pick his baby up, the boy would barely usher a word.

Hoseok knew something was wrong with Taehyung, but he didn't want to force the boy to tell him anything, as both Taehyung and Hoseok knew that Taehyung would come to him when he was ready.


Taehyung stood a distance away from Hoseok, who was laying on the couch watching TV.

He thought that maybe it was best for him to leave his Daddy to what he was doing and go back to bed, cry himself to sleep like he did almost every night, and when Taehyung turned around to do just that, he was stopped suddenly by the sound of Hoseok's melodic voice.

"Taehyungie~" the older male sang, a warm sunshine smile on his face as Taehyung turned around hesitantly, dummy lodged between his lips and blanket in his hands.

His dark blue pyjamas were a little dishevelled and so was his hair, all due to him tossing and turning in his efforts to fall asleep.

"What's the matter, bubba? Can't sleep?" Hoseok asked, and Taehyung nodded tiredly, sticking his bottom lip out in a small pout as he suckled on his dummy and rubbed an eye with his little fist. Hoseok extended his arms and held them out to his sides, an open invitation for Taehyung to go cuddle with him. "C'mere bubba."

Taehyung silently padded across the laminate flooring of the living room, Hoseok pulling his legs up to his chest as Taehyung clambered onto the couch at the opposite armrest to his Daddy, and he crawled over to Hoseok's socked feet, hoisting himself up onto Hoseok's lap and laying himself on his chest, head resting just below the older male's chin.

Hoseok all about cooed at the sight of Taehyung in itself, and how cute his baby looked pawing at the couch and his legs with his small chubby fingers. He wrapped his arm securely around Taehyung's tiny little waist and threaded the fingers of his other hand through the boy's hair, trying to lull him to sleep.

"Daddy, don' wanna go into big school tomorrow," Taehyung mumbled around his dummy, staring blankly at the TV, and Hoseok cocked his head downwards so he could see Taehyung's face.

"Hm, and why is that, baby?" He asked, careful to not sound too worried as that would make Taehyung feel pressured into telling him.

"When I take in my dummy and blankie, these mean boys always push me in the playground and laugh at me," he admitted quietly, and Hoseok had to listen extremely carefully as some words were muffled by the dummy in Taehyung's mouth.

But when he pulled away after hearing what Taehyung had to say, Hoseok was mortified.

"Did you tell a teacher, baby?" He asked, not able to hide his concern in his voice any longer, and Taehyung replied with a small 'no', knowing that he should've now. "Oh, sweetheart, you need to tell a teacher."

Hoseok rubbed the small of Taehyung's back lightly, and the younger sat up slowly, sitting on his Daddy's stomach, looking up at him with tears swimming in his eyes.

"But I want Daddy..." He broke into tears, and Hoseok sat up immediately, hugging Taehyung into his chest.

Hoseok was beyond furious. Who in their right minds thought it was ok to bully a child for being different? For needing different things and liking to carry about a dummy and a blanket. In Hoseok's opinion, Taehyung was brave for taking them in in the first place.

And what kind of stupid teachers didn't notice this going on during recess?

"Alright, baby, I know," Hoseok shushed, rocking the two of them back and forth on the couch, and soon enough, Taehyung calmed down. "Daddy will sort it out tomorrow."

And that was exactly what Hoseok did.

The next morning, he marched right into Taehyung's classroom, holding the little boy's hand tightly as he went to go have a word with his teacher. She assured both Taehyung and Hoseok that she would have a word with these boys' parents aswell to make sure the problem was sorted.

Hoseok thanked her before kneeling down in front of Taehyung and gripping his sides, beginning to tickle him slightly. Taehyung giggled happily around his dummy, and Hoseok nearly keened at the boxy smile that showed behind the dummy.

"Do you want to keep your dummy and blankie, baby?" He asked, and Taehyung nodded, holding his blanket close to his chest as he nuzzled it with his chin. "Hm, good boy, baby; now give Daddy a kiss before he goes to work."


i'm sorry but visualising taehyung as a child is the cutest thing ever for me hands down

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