accident » yoonseok

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child!hoseok (4)//adult!yoongi

look at my bias asdghjkl


Hoseok was always known for getting into little accidents here and there, like tripping over little stones at the park or slipping over in the bathtub after Yoongi had told him not to stand up in it, but none of them were ever so bad that they caused Yoongi to generally panic for Hoseok's safety.

Of course, he worried about his baby all the time, but he knew a little scrape on his knee was nowhere near as bad a broken arm.

Yoongi was wary of Hoseok sometimes, and when the latter fell down the stairs one time, Yoongi didn't know whether he should've blamed himself or partly Hoseok for running when he'd told him not to plenty of times.

It was completely harmless at first - Yoongi was in the kitchen making cheese and crackers for Hoseok for snack time, and he'd called Hoseok downstairs as eating upstairs was a no-no unless desperate times called for desperate measures - and he had told Hoseok not to run.

But alas, Hoseok had done a drawing that he thought was really good and was so eager to show his Daddy, and he broke the most important rule out of all of them.

No running up or down the stairs (good boys walk).

So, running as fast as his little legs would take him, Hoseok slipped somewhere around the middle step and before he could control himself, he was tumbling down the stairs and into the wall at the bottom.

Yoongi stood up when he heard a loud thud come from the hallway, and he was running when he heard Hoseok's cries ring throughout the house.

"Hoseok?" Yoongi asked once he reached the hallway, and his eyes widened when he saw the boy on his hands and knees crying his eyes out like his life depended on it.

Gasping, Yoongi sprung into action, picking Hoseok up from the floor and cradling his head in the crook of his neck as Hoseok cried loudly, wetting the elder's t-shirt with his tears.

"Shh, baby, it's ok," Yoongi shushed him as he patted his bottom lightly, rocking his body back and forth soothingly. "Daddy's here, baby, everything's ok."

Yoongi stood in the hallway for a few more minutes, still trying to shush Hoseok, and when that didn't seem to work, Yoongi carried the boy into the living room, sitting down on the couch with Hoseok sat on top of him.

Hoseok refused to let go of Yoongi's neck, so when the latter leaned over to the coffee table behind his head, Hoseok let out a scream of alarm and Yoongi silenced him with a kiss to the top of his head.

Leaning back into the couch, Yoongi rubbed the nipple of the comfort item along Hoseok's neck until he stopped crying and lifted his head out of Yoongi's neck, eyeing the dummy before slowly taking it into his mouth.

"That's a good boy," Yoongi bounced Hoseok on his knee and watched as the boy latched his hands onto Yoongi's t-shirt and palmed the material, patting Yoongi's chest in silence.

Yoongi noticed a single tear slip down Hoseok's face, so he raised his thumb to wipe it away while Hoseok was preoccupied with the elder's t-shirt.

"Baby, Daddy told you not to run up and down the stairs, didn't he?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok nodded sadly. "Does it hurt anywhere, sugar?

Hoseok pointed to his side and Yoongi lifted his t-shirt a bit to see a bruise already forming on his stomach. Yoongi rubbed the wound ever so softly as he pressed his lips to Hoseok's forehead, kissing him softly.

"All better," Hoseok mumbled from behind his dummy and Yoongi smiled down at him.

"Next time, bub, don't run down the stairs - and call Daddy if you need anything," the blonde-haired male reiterated and Hoseok nodded again.

"Hobi sorry," he said, still playing with Yoongi's t-shirt.

"It's ok, baby, just be careful next time."


should i make a journal for when i'm in little space? who would actually read it? comment pls :)

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