bad mood » jihope

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little!hoseok (mental age 1-3)//caregiver!jimin

thank you for requesting btsswaggersuga29!


Jimin was in a bad mood, plain and simple.

To start off with, he had a pounding headache right from when he woke up, the aftermath of staying up late last night trying to get Hoseok to sleep plus a lack of hydration throughout the day yesterday, and only made worse by the load of work he had been tasked with today.

Now, that didn't go to say that Jimin was angry at Hoseok per se, he was just pissed off with the world in general, and he prayed that Hoseok was big when he got home so he could be showered with love and affection and spoilt like he deserved to be because he was such a hard worker and such a loving boyfriend - as bad as that sounded.

But, of course, this wouldn't go to Jimin's plan either, as when he arrived home, he was only met with the pitter-pattering of feet for a few seconds before Hoseok was flinging himself at Jimin, clinging to his neck tightly as he laughed in Jimin's ear.

"Daddyyyyyy!" He squealed, and Jimin actually felt like smashing his head against the wall.

"Hey, baby," he let out in a very strained voice, trying to maintain his composure before he lashed out at the most innocent being in the world. "Come on baby, off of Daddy please."

"Daddy, I made you something!" Hoseok exclaimed, completely ignoring Jimin's request and dragging him into the living room and pushing him down onto the couch.

Jimin yelped in pain when his butt made contact with a piece of leftover lego from Hoseok's individual playtime earlier, and he grabbed the small piece of plastic and glared at Hoseok.

"H-hehe, sorry, Daddy," Hoseok laughed nervously, taking the piece of lego from Jimin's open palm cautiously and dropping it in one of his random toy boxes. "Wanna see what I made for you, Daddy?"

Jimin sighed. "Not right now, love. Daddy's really tired from work."

The latter watched Hoseok's face fall like it was in slow motion, and he knew he was being a bad caregiver, but Jimin was just so damn tired.

"Daddy no love me anymore?" Hoseok blubbered, and Jimin stared at him in complete disbelief and shock.

"Wha- no! I-I didn't say that, Hobi!" Jimin answered, running a hand down his face.

"B-but Daddy was thinking it," Hoseok began to cry.


"Daddy no love me anymore!" Hoseok cried once again before running off up the stairs and when Jimin heard a door slam shut, he knew he'd messed up badly.


"Hoseokie, baby," Jimin knocked on the door to Hoseok's bedroom softly and listening out for a reply. "Will you let Daddy in?"

Jimin waited patiently for a response.

"What's da password?" He heard Hoseok's pouty voice from the other side of the door and smiled.

"Pink sprinkles," Jimin answered without hesitation and heard Hoseok moving around in the room for a minute before the door opened slightly, and Hoseok stood in the doorway, face blotchy and eyes red from crying. "Can I come in, princess?"

Hoseok nodded sadly, opening the door wider for Jimin to get through before closing it behind him.

"Baby, Daddy's so sorry about earlier," Jimin started off by apologising, turning around to entrap Hoseok in a tight hug. "You know Daddy will always love you, even if he has a bad day at work."

"I know Daddy..." Hoseok sniffled into the collar of Jimin's work blazer. (He hadn't even changed out of it yet since he'd spent most of his time in the living room trying to figure out how to fix his clusterfuck).

"Forgive Daddy, baby boy?" Jimin asked, and Hoseok pulled away from the hug long enough to give Jimin a nod before hugging him again. "Thank you baby. Now, what did you want to show me?"



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