good boy » namjin

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little!seokjin (mental age 0-4)//caregiver!namjoon

ok if any of you ever have the (unfortunate) chance of talking to a little me, or getting to know little me personally then you will know that jin in this particular chapter is literally me


Seokjin had been through a lot in his life.

Abuse - both mentally and physically.
Heartbreak, depression, you name it.

And Namjoon knew exactly what he was getting into when he confessed his love to the older male, when he offered to be his caregiver, when Seokjin let him into his world.

Namjoon had known Seokjin long before that, and he knew what little space was aswell, and how some littles were often quite badly behaved. But Namjoon knew Seokjin, and he knew he wouldn't misbehave or be bratty because - deep down - Seokjin just wanted to be loved.

And Namjoon intended to do just that.


Seokjin was never a bad boy. At least never on purpose.

Sure, he sometimes broke things by accident or made a mess without realising, but he was always heartbroken whenever he did, and always slipped into a state of pure and utter panic, thinking that Namjoon would be angry or upset with him and would leave him - just like his last caregiver did.

And everytime he did, Namjoon would always always always reassure Seokjin that he was ok and that he wasn't leaving him. And Seokjin would believe him - until the next time it happened.

Namjoon had to leave for work one morning, and he trusted Seokjin to take care of himself for a few hours, knew he wouldn't do anything naughty while he was away. Namjoon even set up a little colouring station for Seokjin at the dining table, because he would be damned if his pristine white carpet got stained by crayons.

And Seokjin knew this too, which is why he was happy to oblige.

"Alright, Daddy needs to go to work now, angel. You'll be ok?" Namjoon asked, ruffling Seokjin's hair as the older nodded happily.

"Mhm, I be ok, Daddy!" Seokjin exclaimed, swinging his legs back and forth on the chair he was sitting on at the dining table.

"That's my good boy!" Namjoon kissed Seokjin's cheek, causing the little to giggle.

"Daddy, that tickles!" Seokjin squealed, and Namjoon chuckled.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, ok, princess?" Namjoon asked, and Seokjin nodded again, brown hair flopping about on top of his head. "Good boy, baby," Namjoon praised, leaning down to kiss his boyfriend's head. "I'll be back in a few hours, baby boy."

"Bye bye, Daddy!" Seokjin waved at Namjoon as he was heading out the door and smiled to himself contently when he was gone.

He wanted to draw something really nice for Namjoon as a way of saying thank you for being such a great boyfriend and caregiver for the past year - year - and for sticking with him and putting up with him and never giving up on him and just everything.

The plain piece of paper in front of Seokjin was teasing him, and the little decided that if he was going to draw something super duper spectacular for his Daddy, then he would need to stay properly hydrated.

Locating the bottle of blackcurrent squash on one of the shelves, Seokjin excused himself from the table to push the little stepladder the two owned for whenever Jimin came round (or even Yoongi in some cases) directly under the shelf.

Seokjin did try to be extra careful when getting the bottle, but he a.) misjudged how much squash was actually in the bottle and b.) forgot to screw the cap on properly, resulting in the whole bottle tipping in Seokjin's weak hands and the squash pouring all over the boy in question and onto Namjoon's white carpet.

Seokjin screamed, mainly from shock as he became covered from head to toe in blackcurrent squash. But he was mainly concerned with the horrible mess staining Namjoon's carpet as he stared at it in horror, his body beginning to shake as he let out a loud sob.

Namjoon would definitely leave him after this, no doubt about it, and the thought of Namjoon being angry with Seokjin was enough to make the little cry even more, his face soon turning as purple as the squash covering him.

Seokjin had had panic attacks before, but none of them were ever as bad as this and to the point where he couldn't even move. And it would be another three hours until Namjoon came home, and Seokjin didn't think he would be able to last that long.

Reaching for the house phone with a trembling hand, Seokjin dialed Namjoon's number and held the phone to his ear, still sobbing.

"He-" Namjoon started, but didn't even get to say one word before he was cut off by Seokjin's cries. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?"

"S-spilled s-squash D-Daddy!" Seokjin spluttered out between sobs, and Namjoon knew what was going on.

"Seokjin, honey, I need you to calm down for me, baby, ok? Take nice deep breaths for me, baby, that's it." Namjoon reassured, his deep voice relaxing Seokjin somewhat even over the phone. "Good boy."

"D-Daddy, I s-sorry!" Seokjin bawled, and Namjoon shushed him.

"It's ok, darling, don't cry. Daddy's on his way home, ok?" Namjoon reassured, and Seokjin screamed.

"N-no, Daddy! You gonna be angry with me!" Seokjin began to cry again, and Namjoon felt so bad for his little baby.

"When am I ever angry with you, sweetheart?" Namjoon asked rhetorically, answered by a sniffle from Seokjin. "Exactly, baby boy. Daddy won't be angry, I promise."

"O-ok, Daddy," Seokjin mumbled, still crying but definitely not as much.

"Daddy's driving home now, princess, so he needs to go but I'll be there in ten minutes, ok baby?" Namjoon said, and Seokjin whined from the back of his throat. "Don't cry, baby, I'll be there real soon."

Namjoon did turn up real soon, within 6 minutes in fact, to a sobbing and sticky Seokjin crying in the corner of the living room.

"Baby boy, Daddy's here now, he's right here," Namjoon whispered sweetly, cuddling Seokjin close to his body despite the squash coating him.

"Daddy, please don't leave me, I-I'm sorry!" Seokjin cried so loud, his voice began to turn hoarse.

"Shh, stop crying, baby, I'm not going anywhere, I promise," Namjoon reassured, placing Seokjin in his lap and rocking him back and forth.

"B-but the carpet..." Seokjin mumbled into Namjoon's chest.

"Baby, I don't care about the carpet nearly half as much as I care about you," Namjoon shook his head, stroking Seokjin's sticky hair. "Why don't we run you a bath, yeah sweetheart? You've got squash all over you!"

"Ok, Daddy," Seokjin whispered, and Namjoon hoisted him up onto his hip.

"Good boy."


this stuff stains like a bitch

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this stuff stains like a bitch

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