together » jikook

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little!jimin (mental age 2-5)//caregiver!jungkook

the part two to 'apart' that literally everyone wanted :)


"Take the rest of the week off, Jeon. These pictures have come out really good."

Jungkook felt his whole world light up when he heard those words, head whipping up to read the look on his boss' face.

"Wait- you mean I get to go home early? For real?" Jungkook clarified, the hope practically sparkling in his eyes.

"If you can catch a plane, then yes, that's what I'm saying," Seunghyun muttered, and Jungkook really felt like kissing him right then and there. But he had another person in mind who he wanted to kiss more than anything right then and there.

No other words were needed as Jungkook rushed back to his shitty motel room and practically threw all of his clothes and chargers and camera equipment into his suitcase, checking out of the motel (finally) and heading straight to the airport.

Luckily, there was a flight heading for Seoul that night. It was a few hours ago so Jungkook figured he had some time to get himself something to eat and message Taehyung.

Nobody was expecting him home for another week and a half, and Jungkook had always been one for surprises, so he saw this as the perfect opportunity.

Ticket in his pocket, Jungkook sat down on one of the vacant seats outside his gate, pulling his phone out from his bag and opening up his messages with Taehyung.

Ticket in his pocket, Jungkook sat down on one of the vacant seats outside his gate, pulling his phone out from his bag and opening up his messages with Taehyung

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Smiling to himself, Jungkook stuffed his phone back into his bag, deciding now would be the perfect time to have a sad dinner alone

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Smiling to himself, Jungkook stuffed his phone back into his bag, deciding now would be the perfect time to have a sad dinner alone. Besides, it wasn't like he and Jimin wouldn't be eating lots to themselves when he got home.


Just thinking about his boyfriend made Jungkook's heart do triple somersaults in his chest, flipping and flailing all over the place.

Four and a half long weeks without his cheerful and sweet boyfriend had honestly been painful for Jungkook, and he knew Jimin never really fared well without Jungkook with him, so he was so proud of his baby for being so strong.

He just couldn't wait to get home to the one he loved the most.


Jungkook had the whole thing planned out.

He'd texted Taehyung once he'd arrived in Seoul, roughly around nine-thirty in the morning, and made sure that Jimin would answer the door when he knocked, and Taehyung said he would keep an eye out to make sure it actually was Jungkook at the door.

But when the moment came, he actually felt quite sick.

Of course he wanted to see Jimin, but it had been so long and he was afraid he would cry or do something that would make Jimin cry, which he always hated doing.

Knocking on the door feebly, Jungkook shuffled from foot to foot anxiously as he waited for the door to open. He was tired, but he had slept for a few hours on the plane. Whether he slept well, however, was up for debate, but Jungkook chalked that down to nervous excitement.

His thoughts were interrupted by the click of the door in front of him, opening as Jungkook looked up to see the blonde-haired beauty he loved so much standing in front of him.

Jungkook offered Jimin a sweet smile, and was just about to say something when Jimin threw his arms around Jungkook's neck, immediately latching onto him and bawling everything he had into his boyfriend's white t-shirt.

Jungkook willed himself not to cry, wrapping his own arms tightly around Jimin's waist, one hand going up to stroke his boyfriend's hair as the other one stayed on the small of the boy's back.

Jimin just cried, unable to say anything else as he clung to Jungkook like a koala, and Jungkook began to rub his back up and down when he began hiccuping between sobs.

"Calm down, baby, it's ok," he whispered, and Jimin started crying more just at the sound of Jungkook's voice after such a long time. "You're ok, I've got you."

"D-Daddy's real?" Jimin spluttered against Jungkook's neck, and the younger chuckled, pulling away from Jimin to cup his face.

"I'm real, baby boy," he stroked Jimin's cheekbone before leaning forward to peck his lips softly.

They would have much more time to kiss properly later when Jimin was big and maybe after Jungkook had slept in his own bed for a change, with Jimin.

"W-Why, Daddy?" Jimin sobbed, and Jungkook shushed him softly.

"Daddy was allowed to come home, princess," he answered with a smile, and Jimin sniffled. "And of course he came to see his baby first."

Although he was crying and his face and eyes were red and his nose was running, Jungkook still thought Jimin was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen.

"I missed Daddy," Jimin croaked, and Jungkook bit his lip to hold back his own tears.

"Daddy's missed you too, angel."



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