thank you » jimin x bts

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little!jimin (mental age 2-4)//caregivers!bts

100th chapter!! (i'm not counting all my rants and author's notes as real chapters lmao) i'm doing something really cheesy here but i don't care y'all will like it (i hope)


Jimin bit his lip anxiously as he read over the words he had written on the page. He was insanely nervous for what he was about to do, but it was something he'd been wanting to do for a long time. Six years, to be exact.

It had been a crazy six years for BTS. Their debut was tough, training had been tough, learning new dance routines had been tough; but after six short years of doing it, it had all become second nature to the boys.

Somewhere along the way, Jimin had discovered that he was a little, and he was shocked when he found the others to be fine with it, even taking on the roles as Jimin's caregivers. And Jimin honestly couldn't have been happier, finding six men that he was truly happy with, and he wanted to thank them for everything they had done for him. But he didn't quite know how to.

Jimin had never really been good with words, especially not when he was little, but he really wanted to try for his caregivers.

Little hands gripping the piece of paper tightly in his hands, Jimin opened the door to the living room and shuffled out into the area. The other six members had been watching some sort of film when they originally put Jimin down for a nap, but the singer hadn't been able to sleep since he wanted to do this for his caregivers.

Taehyung was the first to notice, hearing Jimin's little socked feet padding against the laminate flooring, and he extended his head over the back of the sofa, smiling at Jimin even though he was looking at him upside-down.

"Hi, baby," he greeted, and the other five men turned around. "Are you ok?"

Jimin nodded stiffly, swallowing the lump in his throat as he continued walking until he was in front of the couch. "I-I have something to say..."

Yoongi, who had been sprawled out on one of the armchairs, sat up and leaned forward in his seat, smiling reassuringly at Jimin. "Go on, sweetheart."

Jimin took a deep breath as he held the piece of paper up to his face. He really didn't want to be able to see the other members and the weird looks they would be giving him while he poured his heart out to them.

"I-Ish been a w-wong time, and-" He started, but couldn't get further than the first sentence before he felt some grab his wrist gently. Looking up from the piece of paper, Jimin saw Hoseok smiling at him softly.

"We can't hear you, baby," he said quietly. "Don't be afraid, darling, we're all here to listen."

Jimin nodded again and lowered the paper, and being able to see his caregivers smiling at him made the racing of his heart calm down a bit.

"Ish been a wong time," he started again, keeping his eyes trained on the paper in front of him for now. "And we been through a wot together, so I wanted to say some things s-since Jinnie-hyung is going away soon..."

Seokjin gave Jimin a sad smile that told him to continue.

"W-When I said I wus' a widdle, everyone wus' so nice to me! Kookie would give me piggy-back wides and I would feew wike I wus' weally tall! TaeTae would always pway wib' me and Jinnie-hyung would always cawm me down when I got too excited. Joonie-hyung would twy to hewp me but he would bweak somethin' heeheee."

The other six males chuckled lightly at that, Hoseok nudging Namjoon with his elbow.

"B-But even though he couldn't hewp sometimes, he stiww twied! An' Joonie-hyung ish gettin' bettew at it! Hobi-hyung is weally good at weading me bedtime stowies an' I weally wike it when he does da voices cus' ish funny. An' Yoonie-hyung ish weally good at givin' me cuddwes. He always stwokes my haiw an' his voice ish weally nice when I wanna go sweepies."

"That's beautiful, honey," Jungkook interrupted, not knowing he had interrupted until Jimin frowned playfully at him.

"'M not finished yet, Kookie," he scolded, and a series of 'ooh's arose from the other five.

"Jungkookie got told," Hoseok teased, and Jimin smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, baby. Continue," Jungkook offered and Jimin nodded.

"So, ish been a wong time am' I wubed aww ob it wib' my daddies and my hyungies! Tank 'ou for makin' 'dese six years fun for me an' easy. I-I wub my daddies..."

Jimin didn't even know he had started crying until Namjoon was pulling him into his lap and shushing him gently.

"You did so well there, sweetie. We're all so proud," the leader praised, hearing a sniffle from his right.

The others turned to see Seokjin wiping away tears of his own, and the eldest's eyes widened.

"Come on, how are you guys not crying after that?" He whinged, and Jimin looked over at him too.

"'M gonna miss Jinnie-hyung," Jimin whined, making grabby hands for the eldest of the seven.

"Oh, baby," Seokjin cooed, lifting Jimin from Namjoon's lap and settling him into his own. "Jinnie-hyung will be back before you even know it. And you'll have the other members here to keep you company so you won't be alone, ok?"

Jimin nodded sadly, letting his head rest on Seokjin's chest while Namjoon rubbed his back in circles.

He fell asleep like that, curled up on Seokjin's chest, and the remaining five members did their best to make a cake for Jimin which, when he woke up, made him cry tears of happiness instead of tears of sadness.

The seven of them ate cake for dinner and proceeded to all squeeze up onto one couch, Jimin in the middle, while they watched Despicable Me. And Jimin couldn't stop thinking about how lucky he was to have met these six amazing men. He loved all of them, and he cherished them like they were his family.

Because, in his eyes, they were his family.


i teared up at the end i'm not even about to lie lmao :')

100th chapter woohoo! i've truly loved writing this book for you guys, and even though i haven't been the best author - what with my multiple hiatuses and my not replying to you guys' messages and comments - i feel truly lucky to have met so many incredible people through this book. you guys are so amazing and i wish every single one of you the best life you can possibly live because you all deserve it for making my life so much better than it was before this book.

your positive feedback means everything to me, and even though i may not reply to every comment, i definitely read them, and they always make me smile. so, thank you guys for this incredible journey so far and i love you all with all of my heart :)

the end :)

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