sickies » jikook

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little!jimin (mental age 1-4)//caregiver!jungkook

because i already have a jinkook chapter named 'sick'. i resent myself


"Daddy," Jimin croaked from the other side of the bed as Jungkook sat himself down on the edge of the item of furniture, reaching over to stroke Jimin's blonde locks.

"My poor baby," Jungkook crooned as Jimin jutted his bottom lip out in a pout. "Has someone caught the sickies?"

Jimin nodded sadly, bottom lip beginning to quiver as tears filled his eyes.

"No no, baby - don't cry, Daddy's right here," Jungkook shushed his baby, resting his body on his stomach and elbows as he leaned forward to kiss Jimin's sweaty forehead. "That's my good boy."

Jimin sniffled as he closed his eyes and let himself snuggle up to Jungkook, the heat from his boyfriend's body soothing him in a way.

"Can you tell Daddy what doesn't feel well, sweetheart?" Jungkook asked, smiling down at Jimin as he continued to stroke his little's hair.

"My tummy hurts, Daddy," Jimin mumbled. "An' 'm cowd."

"But baby, you're burning up," Jungkook thought aloud, pressing the back of his hand to Jimin's forehead and feeling it burn up underneath him.

He moved his hand down to Jimin's arm and was surprised to feel goosebumps under his fingertips.

"Oh, baby boy," Jungkook sighed, mostly to himself. "Daddy will go get some medicine for you, honey, and then we can both watch cartoons together, yeah?"

Jimin nodded weakly in Jungkook's lap but when Jungkook began to move to actually get the medicine, Jimin whined and clung to his boyfriend's hips.

"Baby, Daddy's just going to get some medicine, he'll be right back," Jungkook untangled Jimin's arms from his waist before pressing a kiss to his baby's forehead and all about sprinting to the kitchen.

He was back in about two minutes (much too long for Jimin's liking) with medicines and soft foods for Jimin and Jungkook let out the fattest uwu when he saw his baby wrapped up in the duvets like a little burrito with blonde hair sticking out of one end and small socked feet poking out the other end.

"Princess, Daddy has the medicine you need to take," Jungkook announced softly, and Jimin slowly unraveled himself from the duvets to crawl over to Jungkook and take his medicine. "Good boy."

Jimin reached up for the collar of Jungkook's t-shirt and began tugging him towards the bed, and Jungkook smiled warmly. He didn't really care about him himself getting sick, since his immune system was pretty much perfect, whereas Jimin's was like an old building, slowly crumbling.

Jungkook did worry for his baby, but the two were working on it.

"I'm coming baby, I'm coming," Jungkook crawled up onto the bed and let himself get tucked in by Jimin, who immediately clung to him like a koala. "What do you want to watch, angel?"

Jimin was silent for a few seconds, already drifting off to sleep, before he mumbled hazily, "Daddy."

"Yes, baby boy?" Jungkook replied softly, knowing he had to be patient with Jimin when he was like this.

"Wan' Daddy," Jimin whimpered and Jungkook rubbed his back up and down.

"Daddy's right here, bubby. He's not going anywhere."


no i'm not dead - unfortunately

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