convenience store » taehyung x reader

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little!reader (mental age 6-7)//caregiver!taehyung

requested by izumi-yuuki


Rubbing her eyes with her thumb and forefinger, Y/N willed herself not to reach into her coat pocket and pull out the dummy she always had hidden on her in case of an 'emergency'.

But she was so cold and tired and just wanted to curl up in her bed along with all of her plushies and comfort items. But, as a teenager, chores came a-calling for Y/N just like they would for any other fourteen age at this point.

Glancing down tiredly a the shopping list shoved into her hand by her mother earlier that day, Y/N sighed to herself and looked around, trying to find were to start.

She decided to start with the vegetables since they were closer to where she was currently standing, and just grabbed a handful of each vegetable they had in the store and shoved them into separate plastic bags before dropping them in her basket since her mother hadn't exactly made it clear which vegetables she wanted.

Next on the list was jam, and Y/N wondered to herself why her mother would need jam when she didn't even like it.

Sighing to herself again, Y/N turned around rather quickly, wanting to get out of the store as fast as she could, not noticing there was a man standing right behind her waiting to get himself some vegetables.

"I'm so sorry," he suddenly apologised when Y/N dropped her basket in surprise, bending down to help her pick up the vegetables that had spilled out of the bags.

"No, it was my fault," Y/N replied, the two of them standing up again once all the vegetables had been picked up.

It was just then that Y/N managed to get a good look at the man. He was tall for a start - much taller than Y/N - and looked like he could be a college student with the slightest growth of stubble he had dotting the edges of his nicely rounded face.

Brown hair that looked like she could run her fingers through it without coming across any knots or tangles and a pearly white box smile that made Y/N's insides turn to jelly.

"Kim Taehyung," he introduced himself, holding his hand out for Y/N to shake. His hand felt just as soft as his hair looked. "I've seen you around before, you go to the junior high just down the road from the high school, don't you?"

"Y-yeah, I'm in my last year," Y/N answered, her voice sounding a lot more quiet and dry than she had hoped.

"I'm in my second year of high school," Taehyung replied, and Y/N nodded, not really sure how she should've responded to that. Was it a good thing or a bad thing? "Maybe I'll see you around next year."

Y/N nodded more vigorously this time, swallowing the lump of giggles she was tempted to make when he smiled at her again.

"I need to get going but I'll see you later, alright?" Taehyung asked, and Y/N nodded nervously.

Clutching the shopping list in her hand like a lifeline, Y/N watched as Taehyung left before near enough running from the vegetable stall and over to where the spreads were.

She would never be able to contain herself in front of Taehyung if he smiled at her like that again.


this is so bad it was really hard to write the reader in little space bc yeah but i'm not redoing it oops

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