3 months » vmin

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little!female!jimin (mental age 0-3)//caregiver!female!taehyung

my first genderbend fic (whoop whoop!) and it's for a very special occasion. read the author's note at the end to find out why :)

i'm british ok please don't attack me for using 'mummy' :))


When Jimin woke up that morning, she wasn't used to the warmth surrounding her. She'd been so used to sleeping alone every night that the first thing she could think to do in her half-awake state of mind was reach out with her leg and kick whatever was clinging to her.

She whined in her sleep as she did so, only stirred fully awake by the sound of a painful groan coming from next to her, and she shot upright in the bed once she'd realised what she'd done.

"Mummy!" She gasped as she looked down at Taehyung, who was clutching her stomach in pain. "Mummy, oh my gosh, 'm so sowwy!"

Taehyung groaned again, louder this time, as she sat up and let her hand rest on the top of Jimin's head, watching as her baby's eyes filled with guilty tears and her bottom lip began to tremble.

"Don't cry, baby, it's ok. Mummy's ok, see?" Taehyung reassured, and Jimin nodded sadly.

"Wus' Mummy duin' here?" Jimin asked, cocking her head to the side as she only just processed that Taehyung was here. "I thought Mummy had weawwy important work stuff to do today."

"I did, baby girl," Taehyung replied, lifting Jimin up and placing her on her lap. "But Mummy couldn't stop thinking about the sad little look on her baby's face when she told her she wouldn't be here for today and she decided to ask her scary boss if she could have the day off."

"Mummy's scawy boss..." Jimin shuddered at the thought of her caregiver's boss and at her Mummy having to ask her if she could have the day off. "Did Mummy get into twoubwe?"

"No, princess," Taehyung smiled. "Mummy didn't. And I'm all yours today, baby girl so happy three months, my baby."

Jimin blushed and giggled as Taheyung leaned down to kiss her forehead gently.

"Happy twee monts, Mummy," Jimin beamed, and Taehyung couldn't help but coo.

Sure, three months wasn't a very long time but for Jimin it meant the world. Taehyung had done so much for Jimin over the course of three months and Jimin had been really upset that she wouldn't be here for their three-month anniversary as the two of them had made it a routine to spend the entire day together during one of their anniversaries.

Jimin had come to accept the fact that Taehyung wouldn't be here today, but now that she was here, Jimin felt so overcome with happiness that she nearly cried.

"Shall we take a shower first, darling?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin nodded happily. "Mummy wants to do your hair all pretty today, baby, because my pretty baby deserves to look like a princess! Then Mummy can make you pancakes?"

"Yes pwease!" Jimin exclaimed, and Taehyung lifted her baby girl onto her hip to carry her into the bathroom.

The shower itself took about twenty minutes and it would've taken less time if Taehyung hadn't issued a tickle fight against her baby, but Taehyung really couldn't resist Jimin's joyous little giggles and rosy cheeks when she laughed too much.

Taehyung wrapped Jimin up in the fluffiest towel she could find and proceeded to dry herself while she let Jimin brush her teeth in the mirror. Jimin insisted that she was big enough to dry enough so Taehyung went to find something for Jimin to wear while she did so.

She'd actually bought Jimin a new jumper the day before yesterday as a little gift for her precious girl and she was sure Jimin would wear it today even if she didn't like it.

"Mummy, I need help gettin' dwessed!" Jimin called out from the bathroom, and Taehyung smiled to herself as she pulled on her own clothes.

"I'm coming, sweetheart," she called back, pulling a pair of underwear out from Jimin's drawer and heading back to the bathroom.


"Mummy, I weawwy wike dis' jumpew," Jimin commented absentmindedly as she pawed at the fabric of the baby pink jumper on her body.

"I'm glad you like it, babydoll," Taehyung replied, kissing Jimin's temple as she parted her baby's blonde hair into two symmetrical parts. "What do you want to do today, hm, baby?"

"I wanna do what Mummy wants," Jimin answered as Taehyung tied the first bunch of hair into a high ponytail at one side of Jimin's head. "We awways do what I want, Mummy, but I wanna do what Mummy wants!"

"Oh, baby..." Taehyung cooed as she finished tying the second ponytail. "Mummy enjoys doing what her baby wants because that makes her baby happy. And today is about you, gorgeous, so we can do whatever you like."

"Ish' not jus' 'bout me, Mummy," Jimin pouted as he turned around, placing her chubby little hands on Taehyung knees and Taehyung held her by her waist so she wouldn't fall off of the bed. "Ish' 'bout Mummy, too, 'cus Mummy's here too. An' Mummy's been here for twee monts too. Mummy should pick."

"Ok, baby, ok." Taehyung caved, kissing Jimin's forehead. "Should we stay in today and watch movies?"

"Mean Giwls!!" Jimin exclaimed. "Das' Mummy's favouwite movie so we should watch dat!"

"No way, baby girl," Taehyung shook her head. "That's a big girl film, baby, and you're my little princess, aren't you?"

Jimin nodded frantically when she heard that, and Taehyung smiled.

"Let's watch Mulan, ok, baby? That's Mummy's favourite baby film," Taehyung proposed and Jimin grinned.

"Ok, Mummy!"


you probably guessed but oh well.

first genderbend fic because tomorrow marks one year with my caregiver straybiz :'))

i love you so much ok please never leave me i'll actually cry.

jk you can leave whenever you want i'm a pain in the ass i know lmao. but i love you and thank you for putting plasters over my metaphorical wounds for a year. that makes no sense but you know what i mean. basically, thanks for picking me up when i fall down (which is all the time).

i'm surprisingly bad with words today yikes.

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