cute » jihope

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little!jimin (mental age 2-6)//caregiver!hoseok

inspired by a real(ish) story :)


"She's adorable, Seokjin!" Hoseok fawned over the newborn in Seokjin's arms, watching as the baby grabbed Hoseok's large finger in her tiny hand, the five digits on her hand not even fully wrapping around Hoseok's one.

"The doctor was really pleased with the outcome," Seokjin beamed. You could practically feel the pride radiating off of him. "He said that most surrogate pregnancies fail in this area of Seoul."

"Well, you all did great - Namjoon included," Hoseok smiled, making funny faces down at the baby in Seokjin's arms. "Jiminie, have you seen little Mya?"

Jimin looked up from where he was sitting on the floor, playing with his lego blocks, pout on his face still there from twenty minutes ago when Seokjin first arrived and pulled Hoseok away from Jimin with his new baby.

"Dun want to," Jimin sulked before turning back to his legos.

Hoseok shook his head with a small smile. "Ignore him, he's being all pissy because I'm not playing with him."

"Should I go?" Seokjin whispered, and Hoseok shook his head.

"You don't have to," Hoseok reassured.


Another hour went by without Hoseok playing legos with Jimin, and the anger inside of the little was starting to fizzle down to sadness.

Over the course of Seokjin's visit, all Jimin could hear was Hoseok saying how cute Seokjin's baby, Mya, was, and it was becoming an understatement to call the little jealous.

Jimin couldn't wait for Seokjin to leave so that he could have his Daddy all to himself to call him cute and fawn over him - not someone else's baby.

But even when Seokjin left, Jimin didn't want to go running to Hoseok and beg him to play with him. He was still angry at the older male and wanted to make sure Hoseok knew that.

"Jimin, sweetie, come sit," Hoseok finally spoke up after half an hour of just watching his boyfriend play sadly with that pout still on his face, patting his thigh.

Jimin did as he was told, sitting in Hoseok's lap and immediately shrinking into his arms when Hoseok wrapped them around his waist, resting his joined knuckles on Jimin's hip.

"What's wrong, baby? You've been frowning at me for three hours now," Hoseok said softly, pressing a kiss to Jimin's temple once he was finished.

"Daddy no paying attention to me," Jimin mumbled, still pouting and frowning even harder than he was before.

"I am now, love," Hoseok replied, and Jimin huffed.

"No, when Uncle Jinnie an' Mya were here, Daddy kept calling her cute and not me!" Jimin whined, starting to cry.

"Aww, baby boy, I'm so sorry," Hoseok shushed, cradling Jimin's head on his chest and rocking the two of them back and forth.

Jimin was crying so much Hoseok was afraid he'd broken him, and that Jimin would never be happy again, but that was a bit of an exaggeration.

"Please stop crying, candyfloss, Daddy's so sorry," Hoseok near enough begged.

"D-Daddy tell m-me I-I'm the c-cutest baby!" Jimin sobbed, chest heaving with every intake of breath.

"You are, baby boy. You're the cutest baby to ever exist - way cuter than Mya, my beautiful boy," Hoseok reassured, and Jimin's sobs soon died down. "I love you so much, honey."

"Love Daddy too," Jimin sniffled, and Hoseok kissed Jimin's cheek and temple over and over again until the little in his lap was giggling happily.


guys you should all totally check out this new fic suckleberry and i have been working on on her account.

it's a taekook omegaverse fic and it's honestly looking so good from the drafts we've written and it would really mean a lot to us if you could give it a read and a vote since we've worked so hard on it.

she's honestly such an amazing writer, she's even better than me! and she'll argue with me on that but i don't care i know you guys will back me up (hopefully).

it's called 'change up' and you can tell i came up with the title since like half the fics on my account are named after songs.

ok i'm done with this long ass author's note, go over to bright's account, check out 'change up' it would be greatly appreciated :)

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