big boy » yoonmin

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little!yoongi (mental age 3-4)//caregiver!jimin

angst warning i guess? it's not too bad don't worry


As soon as Jimin stepped into the house after work, he immediately felt better. The combined smell of Yoongi's strawberry shampoo he had used in the morning mixed with the general feel of the house - its warmth and aura included - was enough to comfort Jimin slightly.

Work had definitely been rough that day and all Jimin wanted to do when he got home was see his baby boy.

"Daddy!" Yoongi squealed when he saw Jimin standing in the doorway. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

Yoongi ran and jumped on Jimin, causing the younger male to grunt in dissatisfaction, dropping his briefcase to hold Yoongi up by his bottom.

"I missed you so much, Daddy!" Yoongi exclaimed right next to Jimin's ear, making him cringe.

"Inside voices please, bubba," he whispered, sounding just as drained as he looked, silver bangs hanging low over his eyes like a curtain. Jimin patted Yoongi's bottom, a sign for the little to hop off of him.

"Is something wrong, Dada? Does Yoonie need to be a big boy?" Yoongi asked, eyebrow furrowing in worry at his caregiver's pale face and bag-rimmed eyelids.

"No, baby - you're perfect just the way you are," Jimin smiled sadly, stepping forward to ruffle Yoongi's black hair.

Yoongi, however, didn't believe that nothing was wrong with Jimin, and stuck his bottom lip out in a pout as he frowned even more.

"Oh, I know what will make Daddy feel better; wait here!" Yoongi instructed before running into the living room.

Jimin did as he was told and stayed put in the doorway, using the little's absence as an excuse to take off his trenchcoat and hang it up on the coat racks next to him until Yoongi returned, holding something behind his back that Jimin couldn't quite make out.

"What've you got there, sugar?" The silver-haired male asked curiously, and Yoongi unravelled his arms from behind his back to hold out some small pieces of paper to Jimin, each one a different size due to Yoongi's lack of cutting skills when he was in little space.

Jimin took the sheets hesitantly and felt his eyes gloss over at the sight of what was written on them.

Yoonie's cuddle cards!

Daddy can cash one in whenever he's in need of some cuddles from Yoonie.

Available at any time, any place.

P.S. Yoonie needs cuddles sometimes too so he might steal some from Daddy.

"They're 'cuddle cards', Daddy! You can can cash them in to me whenever you feel poorly or sad and you'll get free cuddles from me!" Yoongi exclaimed, beaming brightly and showing off his signature gummy smile. "I was gonna give them to you for your birthday but Daddy looked like he needed them now, so I-"

Yoongi was cut off by a sniffle and a sharp inhale, and he looked up to see Jimin biting his bottom lip as he looked down at the cuddle cards, tears swimming around his eyes and some even trickling down his cheeks.

"What's wrong, Daddy? You don' like them?" Yoongi asked sadly, his smile fading slightly at the sight of his Daddy crying.

"C-can I cash one of these in now, sweetheart?" Jimin asked quietly, lifting his arm up to shield his crying face from Yoongi as his abdomen shook with every silent sob he emitted.

"Of course, Daddy!" Yoongi's smile returned as Jimin toed off his shoes, not bothering to slip them under the shoe rack as he let Yoongi lead him into the living room and onto the couch.

"Daddy's sorry for crying, baby," Jimin said quietly once he and Yoongi were all curled up on the sofa. "And he's sorry for making you think he didn't like your cuddle cards - he loves them, baby."


this is one of my favourites so far :)

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