peaceful » hoseok x maknaes

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littles!jimin (mental age 1-3), taehyung (mental age 2-5) + jungkook (mental age 2-4)//caregiver!hoseok

i know this looks complicated but i promise you'll understand when you start reading


Hoseok didn't think he'd ever heard the house this peaceful.

Something was always happening, whether it was Jimin crying, Jungkook singing loudly to Frozen on the TV, or Taehyung arguing with his stuffies. Hoseok had grown so used to noise that he was actually kind of worried sitting next to Jimin, silence echoing through the air.

Jungkook was napping in his bedroom, and Hoseok had the baby monitor next to him just in case he started fussing upstairs. Taehyung (feeling bigger than usual) was sitting in the dining room on his tablet, not needing his Daddy's attention as much as the other two did.

And Jimin - feeling the smallest out of all of them and requiring the most attention - was sitting at the small coffee table with Hoseok, colouring silently as he suckled on his dummy.

Hoseok almost didn't know what to do with himself.

He worked from home and had been ever since his boyfriends had confessed to being littles, so there really was nothing he could do.

Reaching up, he stroked Jimin's silver hair, and the boy looked up at his Daddy with a confused look on his face, and Hoseok leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Daddy's bored, baby," he said dumbly, knowing Jimin was probably too little to understand.

He watched Jimin colour messily outside of the lines and felt a smile creep onto his face at how concentrated his baby looked.

Jimin was probably the best behaved little of the three. He was always quiet - contrary to how he was when he was big - and just wanted to be Daddy's good boy, which he was. Hoseok had only had to punish him once in all the two years of being his caregiver, and that was at the very beginning of their caregiver-little relationship, the two not having set rules or boundaries yet.

Taehyung and Jungkook were also good boys, but just a lot more mischievous than Jimin. But it all really depended on how old they felt, as when they were around Jimin's mental age, they were both angels. Hoseok was just surprised Taehyung hadn't tried to cause any trouble yet today since he was feeling around five.

Just as Hoseok was about to go and check up on Taehyung, Jungkook began crying over the baby monitor, and Jimin looked up and over at the monitor.

"Kookie's upset, baby, Daddy will be right back, ok?" Hoseok reassured, Jimin nodding as he looked back down at his colouring.

"Daddy, Kookie's crying," Taehyung called out from the dining room, and Hoseok took a detour so he could see his eldest baby.

"I know, prince, thank you," he kissed Taehyung's forehead as he passed him, taking the steps two at a time as he rushed to Jungkook bedroom.

Granted, probably nothing had happened. Jungkook was always moody when he woke up from a nap and this time was most likely no exception. Hoseok was just so happy for something to do.

Opening the door, Hoseok immediately saw his baby sitting up in his bed, crying his eyes out, and he hurried over to comfort him.

"Baby boy, what's the matter?" He asked softly, lifting Jungkook into his lap and brushing his hair from around his face.

Jungkook didn't say anything and just kept on crying, leading Hoseok to sit back against the headboard and gently cup Jungkook's head against his chest in an effort to get his baby to calm down.

"That's it, good boy," he cooed as Jungkook finally started to calm down, cries turning to sniffles and whimpers.

Jungkook's arms found their way around Hoseok's neck, and the latter had a feeling Jungkook would fall asleep again, opting to tuck him back in again when the soft pitter-patter of socked feet against carpet could be heard, and Taehyung was opening the door, holding Jimin's hand.

Hoseok looked up, surprised to see Jimin walking in his headspace, only for the little to let go of Taehyung's hand so he could sit on the floor and crawl up to the bed.

"Daddy, Minnie wanted to see if Kookie was ok because he wouldn't stop crying on the walkie talkie so I helped him up the stairs," Taehyung explained, sensing the confusion Hoseok must have been feeling.

Jimin reached up and touched what he could reach of Jungkook's leg, and the latter raised his head from Hoseok's neck to look down at Jimin.

"Baby, Minnie and TaeTae wanted to make sure you were ok. Isn't that sweet of them?" Hoseok asked, and Jungkook nodded.

Jimin, with great effort, managed to climb up onto the bed, followed by Taehyung, and Hoseok smiled when they both cuddled Jungkook.

"My boys are the cutest, aren't they?" He asked rhetorically, and Taehyung nodded.

"Daddy, Kookie can come and play my new game if he wants to," he offered, and Jimin began to whine.

"And he can colour with Minnie, right, petal?" Hoseok asked, stroking Jimin's cheek with the back of his fingers, to which the silver-haired boy nodded. "I'm sure Kookie would love that, babies."


happy jimin day uwu

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