thoughtful » namgi x reader

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little!male!reader (mental age 3-5)//caregivers!namjoon + yoongi

thank you for requesting Eyeless72123! (and also sorry for this dumb title, it was the only thing i could think of)


Being the boyfriend of two wonderful men was challenging enough as it was, but imagine being the boyfriend of two idols of one of the most successful K-Pop groups of all time, plus being a little.

Sure, it was lonely as heck sometimes in the house, and more often than not, you found yourself lonely and depressed at the emptiness of your abode, but it was a small price to pay to be able to actually date Namjoon and Yoongi, and you were willing to spend months alone while they were on tour or recording music videos or variety shows if it meant that you still got to see them on the rare occasion.

Of course, you appreciated the fact that your boyfriends were extremely busy nine times out of ten, and you'd always hated inconveniencing them even when they weren't busy (and even when they never saw it as an inconvenience in the first place).

This was why you had sought out to avoid being little at all costs while the two rappers were working on their mixtapes, in order to ensure that only the best work came out of their efforts and that you weren't a burden in any way to their work.

But it was a lot easier said than done.

You couldn't help when you slipped, and your mental age being quite young, you were often extremely needy and clingy when you were little, which meant Namjoon and Yoongi had to give up a lot of time and effort to looking after you and making sure you were happy - which they never minded doing anyway - but you had a feeling that if you slipped while they were away, it would only make things worse.

Plus, someone had to look after the house while the two were away, and you wouldn't have been able to do that if you were little.


Four months.

That was how long you had gone without being little for.

Namjoon and Yoongi still weren't done with their mixtapes, and you weren't sure when they would be, but you were more than willing to hold out for a whole year if you needed to.

Saying that though, your mental state had began to take a turn for the worse as you became even more stressed and irritable at the silliest little things. You were also extremely tired from the effort it required to keep yourself from slipping, and everything was beginning to take its toll on you.

You didn't even hear the front door open or close as you began to drift off to sleep standing right at the sink, a ceramic plate in your towel-covered hand as you were drying it. Your grip on the plate loosened and you were shaken awake by the sound of ceramic smashing against the marble flooring of your kitchen, and you jumped in surprise, letting your guard down for a split second and slipping just like that.

You immediately began to cry even though no one was even in the house to hear you, when all of a sudden, Namjoon appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, worry covering his face as he looked at you urgently to see if you were hurt.

Just seeing your Daddy made you cry even harder as he carefully stepped into the kitchen, his eyes settling on the shards of plate on the floor before he bent down to pick them up.

It wasn't Namjoon's intention to ignore you, but he wanted to clear up the mess first before anything else just to make sure you wouldn't hurt yourself, but when Namjoon completely avoided you in favour of the pieces of plate by your feet, you couldn't help but feel like he was angry with you.

Once Namjoon was done - and while you were still crying so hard your chest began to hurt - he turned to you and smiled sweetly, opening his arms to engulf you into a warm hug as he stroked your hair lovingly.

"Someone's a bit clumsy today, aren't they?" Namjoon teased softly as you cried into his chest, inhaling the musky scent of Namjoon.

Normally, when Namjoon made a joke in hopes of calming you down, it would work straight away, but you just kept crying even when Namjoon was hugging you, and that was when he concluded that you weren't just crying because of the plate.

"Angel, when was the last time you were little?" He asked softly, awkwardly shuffling out of the kitchen with you still in his arms.

Namjoon looked down at you as you sniffled and shook your shoulders, and Namjoon held in a sigh as he ruffled your hair.

"Come on, little one, let's run you a bath," was what he replied with instead as he led you into the bathroom.

While you sat in the tub and let Namjoon bathe you in silence, it suddenly daunted on you that Yoongi wasn't here, just Namjoon, and you looked up at the latter with a slight frown on your face.

"Where's Oppa?" You asked in a small voice, and Namjoon smiled down at you.

"He's nearly done, darling," he answered. "I can call him if you want me to?"

You nodded and Namjoon stood up to dry his hands before reaching over to the windowsill for his phone.

"Hyung, it's me," Namjoon started talking into the phone. "Our baby wants to see you, can you make it over? Really? Great, see you in ten." He hung up. "Oppa will be here soon just for you, baby boy."

A small smile graced your features at that, and Namjoon himself smiled even wider when he saw the sign of happiness on your face.

Fifteen minutes later and all three of you were cuddled up on the couch, Adventure Time playing on the TV as you leaned into Yoongi while Namjoon stroked your hips lovingly and reassuringly. You made grabby hands at the baby bottle sitting on the table next to Yoongi, and the older male picked it up before swirling the milk inside.

"You want to do it yourself, honey? Or do you want Oppa to do it?" He asked with a small hum at the end, and you looked up at Yoongi.

"Oppa do it please," you answered and Namjoon ruffled your hair.

"Lovely manners, sweetheart," he commented as Yoongi smiled at you and opened his mouth as a sign for you to open yours.

You let Yoongi feed you without argument, and as the time on the clock ticked on, you found yourself drifting off to sleep between your two favourite people in the world.

Yep, definitely worth it.


it's my birthday today :)

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