homesick » yoonseok

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little!yoongi (mental age 2-3)//adult!hoseok

note that i labelled hoseok as an 'adult' in this one-shot because i'm getting tired of labeling members as 'not-quite-caregiver-yet' lmao. it means the same thing, ok?


Jung Hoseok. Probably the nicest member out of the university's Student Union.

He was so down to Earth and lively and understanding, and he could be serious when he needed to be, resulting in Yoongi always having a bit of a soft spot for the younger.

However, Yoongi had never actually spoken to Hoseok - just admired him from afar; in the audience when the Student Union would put on assemblies every now and then. The Student Union were sort of like second parents to students at Daegu University, people that you could go to at any time of the day if you had a problem or just needed someone to talk to.

They were sweet, really, and each campus had at least ten of them around at all times in the dorms' common rooms if anyone ever needed a friendly pick-me-up. Sometimes during the day, they would be roaming around campus when they didn't have any classes, and most of them even partook in community service outside of the university.

You could tell them apart from normal students, what with their bright yellow t-shirts and all.

All of them were angels, but Jung Hoseok was just above the rest. And a friendly pick-me-up was what Yoongi needed right now.

He rarely ever got homesick, as there wasn't really anything to miss about his home. But Yoongi found himself missing his friends more than anything - especially Seokjin - as they were the only people he felt comfortable slipping into little space around.

And Yoongi hadn't been little for a while; it was stressful, having to keep up this act, and Yoongi wanted desperately to speak to Hoseok. The only problem being, that it was three in the morning, and Yoongi didn't know whether Hoseok would be awake let alone even on duty in his campus!

Deciding to test his luck, Yoongi grabbed his dummy from the nightstand and clasped it firmly in his hand, slipping on a pair of slippers he had and making his way down to the common room.

Hesitantly knocking on the door, Yoongi shuffled from foot-to-foot anxiously as he heard footsteps approaching the door, accompanied by a friendly face when the door opened. A friendly face that wasn't Hoseok.

It was a girl, with shoulder length brown hair, and large brown eyes. She immediately smiled at Yoongi.

"Hi," she said softly, and Yoongi smiled shyly. "Are you ok? Do you need someone to talk to?"

"I-I was wondering if Hoseok was here," Yoongi answered quietly, and the girl smiled sadly.

"No, I'm afraid he isn't," she answered, and Yoongi had to try really hard to hold back his tears. "But we can call him over if you like? I think he's on duty down at the Green Campus, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to come over."

"R-Really?" Yoongi asked, and the girl nodded, her hair bouncing on her shoulders.

"Of course! Why don't you come in..." She drawled, and Yoongi filled in the gap.


"Yoongi! Why don't you come in?" She stepped to the side and opened the door wider for Yoongi to step in.

There were two other people in the room with the girl, two boys, who both smiled and waved at Yoongi. The girl disappeared to the common room's phone - to call Hoseok, Yoongi presumed - and the two boys welcomed Yoongi to sit in between them.

"He'll be here in five minutes!" The girl beemed, and Yoongi nodded in thanks.

Those five minutes were the longest and most awkward five minutes of Yoongi's life, and as bad as it sounded, he was so happy to be freed from those two boys - who he learned their names were Yugyeom and Jackson. They were nice - but just a tad bit too much for Yoongi.

"Hey there," Hoseok greeted Yoongi warmly at the door, smiling at him. "Come with me."

Yoongi was completely silent during the walk back to Green Campus, dummy still clenched tightly in his hand as his slipper-clad feet padded against the cold concrete with a light 'thump'.

"What's your name, hm?" Hoseok asked quietly, not wanting to speak too loud as to wake up the other residents. "I should've really asked when I first met you."

"Yoongi," Yoongi answered quietly - shyly - as Hoseok let him into the common room.

"Ah, Yoongi!" Hoseok beamed. "Are you my hyung or my dongsaeng?"

"Hyung, I think," Yoongi replied, and Hosoek pouted cutely.

"No fair," he teased, turning the kettle on and motioning for Yoongi to sit down. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Is' embarrassing, a-and you'll laugh at me," Yoongi complained, voice slipping up an octave (which Hoseok didn't fail to notice).

"I won't laugh, I promise," Hosoek smiled warmly, kneeling down in front of Yoongi. "I'm here to help you, not judge you."

Yoongi pursed his lips, still unsure.

"Can you show me what you've got in your hand?" Hoseok asked, and with no reply from Yoongi, placed his hand over Yoongi's freezing one, hesitantly opening his fist to see the pastel green dummy the older had been hiding away.

Yoongi sniffled, and Hoseok looked up at him again to see tears swimming around his eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey, shh, Yoongi - don't cry," Hoseok leaned up to wipe those tears away as more began falling down the pale boy's face. "Honey, it's ok; this is perfectly ok."


lmao funny story, i actually wrote this one up on paper like months ago and i added in so many extra bits here that i grew too lazy to actually finish it off properly so enjoy my sorry ass' excuse for a chapter.

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